• Chapter Thirty-Nine •

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*Stef's Point of View*

I woke up, and the sun hadn't risen yet. I rolled over, and saw Lena wasn't in bed. I got up, and walked down the hall. I noticed a small amount of light coming from downstairs as I made my way towards the staircase. I walked down, and I saw Lena sitting on the couch.

"You okay, love?" I asked, sitting down next to her, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'm fine. I just couldn't sleep, so I came down here." She said, gazing at the fire. "What about you? What are you doing up?" She asked, half smirking.

I smiled at her, and rolled my eyes. I wrapped an arm around her, and sighed. She placed her hand on my knee, and laid her head on my shoulder. "You know, once it reaches a reasonable hour," I started to say, looking at the clock. "I could call in and tell them that I'm going to take a personal day. We could spend some time together, the three of us." I said, smiling at Lena.

She looked at me, and smiled. "That sounds fun. We haven't been able to do that in a while." She said. She then raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure you can call in?" She asked.

"It'll be fine, love. They've been scheduling extra officers just in case someone can't go in." I said, assuring her it'd be fine.

She smiled again, and leaned in. She placed a kiss on my lips, and then laid her head on my shoulder once more. She sighed, and looked at the fire.


*Lena's Point of View*

We both fell asleep in the living room, and woke up to the sun shining through the window and onto our faces. "Good morning, love." Stef said, as she smiled. I smiled back, and kissed her. "Good morning." I replied.

Stef got up, and grabbed her phone off of the coffee table. She walked into the kitchen, calling in. I sat up, and grabbed my phone. I scrolled through my Twitter feed a bit, and Stef came walking back in. She sat down next to me, and wrapped her arm around me.

"What shall we do today?" She asked, chuckling a bit.

"I still need to finish holiday shopping, so we could head over to the mall for a while." I suggested, placing my phone on the coffee table.

"That sounds fun." Stef said, smiling. I smiled back, and grabbed her hand. We sat on the couch together, enjoying the heat coming from the fire. I then walked up the staircase, and into our bedroom. I changed into some casual clothes, and pinned my curly hair into a bun.

Stef came walking in, just as I was finishing putting on a little makeup. She put on some jeans, and a white t-shirt. She put on her red and black checkered flannel, and her tan boots.

I walked out of the bedroom, and into the nursery. I looked in, and noticed Penny lying awake. I smiled at her, and picked her up. "Morning, babygirl." I said to her, getting one of her long sleeved onesies out of the drawer of the dresser. I got her dressed, and walked down the stairs.

Stef was sitting in the kitchen at the table, waiting for the water to heat up for coffee. She noticed us walk in, and smiled. She took Penny, and I finished making the coffee. I poured us each a mug, and took them over to the table.
We sat at the table, and planned the day.

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