• Chapter Nineteen •

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*Stef's Point of View*

I walked into the station, and over to my desk. I sat down, and logged into my computer. "Hey, Stef." Mike said as he walked over to his desk. "We've missed you. How's life with a newborn been?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

I looked at him, and half smiled. "It's been going good." I said. The smile melted away, and turned into a slight frown. "I just felt kinda bad leaving her alone today, even if Dana is coming into town to spend some time with her."

Captain Roberts then came over to our desks, and handed us each another manilla folder. "Welcome back, Stef." She smiled at me. "If you could each review these files and get them back to me by this afternoon, that would be great." She said, as she walked back into her office.

Mike and I looked at each other, and raised an eyebrow. We smiled, and got to work.


*Lena's Point of View*

My mom arrived around ten, and we sat in the living room and talked while Penny slept in her crib upstairs. I had the monitor sitting next to us on the coffee table, so we could hear her if she woke up.

"How have you been, dear? Have you been holding up okay?" My mother asked, placing her hand on my knee.

"We've been doing okay, Mom. It's just what you'd expect with a newborn. Waking up every few hours, and not sleeping too much." I replied, looking at the couch. I then looked up, and met my mother's gaze. "But we love Penny, and have loved having her be here." I smiled.

My mother smiled, and removed her hand from my knee. She took a sip of the coffee we had been drinking, and she put her mug on the coffee table. We then heard Penny crying through the monitor, so I started to get up.

"Lena, let me get her." My mother said, as she smiled and stood up. I sat back down, and watched my mother walk up the stairs and toward the nursery.

A few minutes later she came back down holding Penny, and walked back over to the couch. She sat down, and looked at Penny. She smiled, and looked over at me.

"She's absolutely gorgeous." My mother said.

"Yeah, she really is." I replied, smiling at my daughter.

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