• Chapter Thirty-Four •

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*Lena's Point of View*

As December rolled around, I started to decorate the house. There was tinsel along the mantel, and the tree was decorated. Stef and I sat on the couch, enjoying the heat coming off of the fire. "Are we still wanting to go to the concert tomorrow night?" I asked, placing my coffee mug on the side table.

"I think we should. My mom will already be here, so she could stay with Penny." Stef replied, still watching the fire. She put her mug on the other side table, and sighed. "We've gone every year since we've been together, so I don't see why this year needs to be any different." She said, turning to me and slightly winking.

I smiled and shook my head. I grabbed our mugs, and took them into the kitchen, putting them by the sink. I walked back into the living room, and smiled. Stef had moved so her back was against the couch, and Penny was laying on her blanket.

I sat next to Stef, and smiled at her. She looked at me, and smirked. "What?" She asked, laughing a bit.

"Nothing." I said, laughing. "I'm just enjoying sitting here." I scooted closer to Stef, and wrapped an arm around her. We sat there for a while longer, and eventually went upstairs. I laid Penny in her crib, and left the door cracked open.

When I walked into the bedroom, Stef was already in her pajamas, and was sitting on the bed scrolling through something on her phone. I changed into my pajamas, and sat next to Stef. I sighed, and leaned back on my pillow. "Goodnight." I said, turning off the lamp on my nightstand.

"Goodnight, love." Stef replied, doing the same.


*Stef's Point of View*

The next evening came in a flash, and Lena and I were getting ready to go to the concert. I put on my simple black dress, and a simple, silver chained necklace. I pinned my hair back, and put on a bit of makeup. "Love, we've gotta leave in 15 minutes!" I said to Lena through the door to our bathroom. She opened the door, and walked out in her simple white dress, and a simple black chained necklace.

"You look beautiful." I said, smiling at my wife.

Lena smiled, and chuckled. "As do you." She replied, still smiling. She walked out of the bedroom, and over to the nursery. I closed the bedroom door behind me, and peeked in as well. We both smiled as we saw our daughter peacefully sleeping.

We walked down the stairs, and into the kitchen. "Thanks again for watching her, Sharon." Lena said, walking over to my mother and hugging her.

"It's not a problem." My mother replied, walking over to me to give me a hug. "Now you two go enjoy your concert!" She exclaimed, chuckling.

Lena and I made our way out the doors and towards the car. As we drove off to the recital hall, Lena took my hand in hers, and smiled as she looked out the window.

We pulled into a parking space, and got out of the car. I locked it, and took Lena's hand in mine. We walked towards the theatre, the brisk, cold air hitting our faces. As we got into the building, we found our way to the seats, and sat down.

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