• Chapter Seven •

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*Lena's Point of View*

The doctor had me stay overnight, and when she came into my room in the morning, she had a smile on her face. "You're blood pressure has gone back down, and it's at a normal level."

I couldn't help but start crying. I was so incredibly grateful that it was able to be brought down, and that my baby had a better chance of being born healthy. Stef came over to me, and grabbed my hand.

"I would like to monitor it for a few hours, however, just to make sure it doesn't go up again. But, you should be able to go home later this afternoon." She said, before she left the room.

Stef sat in the chair next to the bed, and kissed the back of my hand. I moved over a bit, and she sat on the bed next to me. I laid my head on her shoulder, and sighed contently.


*Stef's Point of View*

Around three in the afternoon, Lena was discharged and I had called Mike to come and take us home. As he pulled up, Lena and I looked at each other, knowing he would want to know what was going on.

"So, are you going to tell me what is going on, or am I just going to be left in the dark?" He asked, as we climbed into his backseat.

"I'm pregnant, Mike. My blood pressure had increased to an unsafe level, causing a headache, and eventually fainting." Lena said, bluntly.

Mike looked at us in his rearview mirror, speechless. I saw in his eyes that he was searching for the right words.

"Congratulations." Is all he could say as he drove us back to the house. I walked beside Lena with my hand in between her shoulder blades as we walked up to the porch. I opened the door, and followed her in.

"When did our parents say would work for re-scheduling dinner?" Lena said, as she sat on the arm of our small loveseat.

"They said Friday would work for each of them, if we were up for it." I said, sticking my hands in my pockets. I really didn't think we should be having company over anytime soon, but Lena was adiment that we do, especially since Mike already knew.

"Friday it is, then." Lena said. She got up and walked into the kitchen. I followed her, concerned that it may not be the best idea for her to try to cook right now.

"Love, why don't you let me make something, hm? You're always the one cooking when we have company over, and I think it's time that I made something." I said, trying to hide that fact that this was my way of getting her to relax, and not do anything that could make her blood pressure go up.

"Stef, I know what you're trying to do. I'm fine, really. The doctor said my blood pressure is back where it should be, and I'm sure cooking won't make it go back up." Lena said, slightly annoyed.

I sighed, and walked over to the caramel colored beauty. "I'm sorry love, you know how I am." I said, kissing her cheek.

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