• Chapter Fifty-Three •

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*Lena's Point of View*

As I sat in that small chair, I stared at the floor, remembering all the good times Stef and I had together. I started thinking about our first date, and even smiled a bit. We had gone to a movie, and were the only ones in the theatre. We sat close to one another, and eventually the arm rest between us had gone up, causing us to lean against each other.

Mike came walking in, and sat in the other chair. He handed me a cup of coffee, and looked over at Stef. He shook his head solemnly, and sighed. As he took a sip from his cup, I looked at him. "I meant what I said yesterday, Mike." I said. "This isn't your fault, and you shouldn't feel as though it is."

He looked over at me, and set his cup on the ground next to him. "As her partner, I'm supposed to make sure she doesn't get into any danger. Thats the number one rule in a partnership at the SDPD." He said, scratching at the back of his neck. He blew a stream of air, and looked at the ground. "And I didn't do that."

I looked at him, and sympathized with him. I felt awful for even thinking it, but yesterday a small part of my mind kept telling me that it was his fault. But I knew it wasn't. "You made a mistake, Mike. Everyone makes mistakes." I said, noticing him looking in my direction once again. "But for the past five years, you have been looking out for her." I continued, looking over at Stef. "You've not only been her partner, but one of her closest friends. She's too proud to say it, but she thinks pretty highly of you."

Mike smiled, and I could see a hint of blushing. I internally chuckled, deciding not to mention it. He looked at his watch, and picked up his cup of coffee. "Well, I've gotta get going into the station." He says, gesturing to the door with his thumb.

I smiled at him as he walked out. He's been an amazing friend to not only Stef, but to me as well.


*Stef's Point of View*

I could hear the beeping of machines, and the overwhelming smell of a hospital began to fill my nostrils. I slowly opened my eyes, and saw Lena sitting on a chair next to the bed I was in. "Lena..." I said, unable to say anything more.

She looked up at me, and smiled. Her eyes began to water, and she walked over to me. "Hey, baby." She said, a tear rolling down her cheek. She grabbed my hand, and held it tight.

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