The Attacks on Mario (FTO)

Start from the beginning

"Yes, and they're catching up!" I nodded my head and kept running faster with David.

"Nearly there!"

Once we were close enough, David busted through the door, not breaking it, and we ran inside.

He fell to his hands and legs, while I laid on the ground on my stomach.

"David? Mario? What happened?" Ritchie asked walking up to us.

"Someone jumped... Mario on the way... to the infirmary... and... was chasing us... here." David huffed out.

Everyone looked at us shocked.

'Oh god... Anxiety go away! I don't need you... but... I don't wanna be jumped again... what if I die?!'

I curled into a ball as I begin to shake.

"Mario? You ok?" David crawls over to me and pulls me into his lap. I shook my head, still scared and my anxiety won't leave me.

"Shhh... no one will jump you here... don't worry, I'll protect you..." David whispered in my ear while stroking my hair. This calmed me down but my breathing was quick.

Brandon kneeled down and put his hand on my shoulder, making me stiffen then relax.

"Mario, follow my breathing. In and out, in and out." He said softly as I followed his breathing. Once I was calm, I leaned on David's chest, silent tears coming down my face.

"What was that?" Boat asked, curious.

"Mario has minor anxiety. It's something from his... past guild. I'm not going to mention what because it will trigger him again." David rubbed my back as Brandon stood up.

"Well, to ensure that he isn't jumped or worse, someone has to stay by him at all times. Just until we can stop these attacks from happening." I was happy with Ritchie's plan.

"Ok, we can do rotations. We'll change who Mario is with everyday and David can sleep with him, since he's the only one who can really calm his anxiety attacks."


It was settled. I had Ritchie first, Boat second, David third, Kit and Inmo fourth, Brandon fifth and David along with Boat again on the last 2 days.

I had Kit today so we went to train.


Today was a first day, meaning Ritchie would be with me.

"Ok, Mario. You can come with me to Atlantide because I need to pick somethings up!" I followed Ritchie and stayed close by his side, scared but relieved that Ritchie was with me.

'Mario? Where are you?' I heard Mitch calling in my head.
'In Atlantide with Ritchie? Why?'
'We have a meeting with our brothers today, did you forget? And why are you with Ritchie?'
'Oh shoot! So much has happened today and I forgot about the meeting! Umm, Ritchie needs to stay with me... can he come?'
'I dunno... why does Ritchie have to stay with you?'
'I need someone with me at all times and it's Ritchie's turn. I'll explain when we get there but I have to bring him with me, ok?'
'Ok...? You better explain once you get here...'
'Thank you! And yes, definetly I'll explain.'
'Good, and hurry. Bryan and Colin are getting worried.'
'Ok see you soon!'

I was snapped out of the conversation when I noticed that Ritchie had already walked again. My anxiety crept up on me as I searched around for Ritchie. I ran around a corner to see him, looking frantically around him, probably looking for me.

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