38 - Mated {m} *edited

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Jungkook was glad Taehyung had returned to his room and that they would now have some much-needed time to themselves. With everyone busy outside, the house was quiet and fairly empty. He was eager to see how his Mate was doing and to talk with him some more. He gently knocked, but didn't get an answer, slowly he opened the door.


Still no answer. Jungkook looked into the room and saw the bathroom door shut. He walked over to it and knocked, letting Taehyung know he was in the room.


"I'm almost done, I'll be out in a minute."

Jungkook laid on the bed, arms over his head and staring at the ceiling, he tried to settle down from the run-in with his brother. He was glad Kai had stepped in when he did, if not Jungkook knew they would have shifted and fought until others pulled them apart. Now all he wanted to think about was his mate. He continued to lay there, listening to the soft sounds coming from behind the bathroom door.

Taehyung came out of the bathroom wrapped in Jungkook's robe. A towel in his hand, drying his hair. The robe he wore was wrapped around him tightly. Jungkook turned to look at him, happy to have him in view.

"Hey baby."

"Hey Kookie."

"How are you feeling Tae?"

"Tired, but better. Sorry about the link thing, that was embarrassing. Thanks again for staying with me."

"How are you after the nightmare?"

"Fucking over that nightmare, that's how I am!"

Jungkook chuckled. "So your heat is all done now?"

"Yeah, Chin said the next one will be worse." Taehyung moved to the bed and laid next to him. The Omega's arm snaked across the Alpha's chest as he rested on his elbow, looking down at Jungkook.

"Do you need me to stay away again?"

"I... I don't know."

Jungkook turned to look at him. "If you do, you know I'm ok with it, right?" Taehyung laid down and snuggled into Jungkook's shoulder, enjoying his scent.


"Can we just lay here for a while? I don't want to talk right now, I just want to be close to you." Jungkook kissed him on the forehead, his arm wrapping around him. The two laid together for a few hours, thankful for the alone time. Taehyung bounced around in his thoughts from his conversation with Chin the other night. While soaking in the tub, Taehyung took the time to think about how he really felt towards Jungkook. His next heat would happen only in a matter of time. More and more he thought he wanted Jungkook with him when it happened, especially if it would be worse than what he just experienced. Laying there in his Mate's arms, Taehyung remembered what Chin told him.

'If you're fearful, tell him. If you care about him, tell him. If you need time for yourself, tell him. If you love him, tell him Taehyung.'

But he was still afraid of telling Jungkook how he really felt, why he didn't know. Jungkook had shown him nothing but kindness, compassion, understanding, patience and love; without hesitation.

'That young Alpha has all the patience in the world for you dear. Trust me, I've never seen him care about anyone the way he does for you. He's just waiting for you to become comfortable with him to show you fully.'

Jungkook had always been there for him since the night of the pack party. Caring for him and protecting him whenever they crossed paths. If Taehyung was brutally honest with himself, Jungkook was everything he could and would want in a Mate. He loved being held by him; he loved being close to him; he loved how he made him feel. If he allowed himself to...If he allowed himself to. That was it. Laying with his Mate, Taehyung finally realized he hadn't fully allowed himself to do much of anything. Especially love someone.

I Am Yours  & You Are Mine {Taekook FF}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant