14 - Home

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'This already sucks on so many levels.' 

That had been Taehyung's reoccurring thought since he'd been home from the hospital.  Now after having used the restroom he was trying to clean himself, with one hand bandaged and his other in a cast due to his broken wrist.

He finally managed, washed his hands and headed to the kitchen.  He could already smell whatever Seong was cooking and he couldn't wait to eat.  His brothers were doing an excellent job of taking care of him and he was starting to get used to being pampered.  Jimin texted him daily about how busy he was at work and really needed him to heal and come back.   As for the other thing on his mind...he tried not to think about it much as he didn't really see any point in it. 

Off to the kitchen for food commanded Tae's stomach.

"How long do I have to be in this cast?  Do you guys know how hard it is to wipe your own ass with practically no ha-....ohhh, uhhh.  Hi Luna Jeon, mom, why are you here?" Tae had been complaining the rest of the way to the kitchen and walked into visitors.

Everyone in the kitchen had to laugh.  "Luna Jeon is the one I wanted you to talk to Taehyung if that's ok with you?" 

"But she's an Alpha"  Luna Jeon had to laugh again. "Oh no hon, I'm an Omega like you."  Tae's head immediately went down in embarrassment.  "Sorry"

"It's ok, So are you ready to go and talk?"

"Yes, M'am" Tae figured he should be respectful since he just made an ass of himself.  "Call me Luna Jeon, none of the M'am stuff."

"Ok" Tae sadly looked at Seong, more like he looked at the food Seong was cooking.

Luna Jeon was very observant "Don't worry we'll have lunch and then talk" Tae's face lit up at the mention of food.  

"See you later Pup" His brothers bid him goodbye along with their mom.

"You're not coming mom?" Tae asked a little nervous as he didn't really know Luna Jeon.

"No, This is an Omega thing.  Luna Jeon will take good care of you."  Tae smiled, gave his mom and brothers a hug and headed out the door with the Elder Luna.

"Tae?" Kai decided to stop Taehyung. "You need to stay close to Luna Jeon, your scent is a little strong today" Kai gave a smile but Tae could see it was laced with worry.  Kai could also sense the panic that started to rise in his brother.

Luna Jeon spoke up to calm the situation. "It's ok hon, I have something for that.  He'll be fine" with that, the two left.  As they made their way out of the apartment building, The Elder Luna walked towards her motorcycle and handed Taehyung a helmet. "Do all Wolfen ride bikes?" Tae had to ask, he was hoping for a nice car ride. "I don't know, for me, it's like shifting without really doing it!" the Luna gave him a huge smile and that in itself seemed to relax Tae's nerves.

 "I don't know, for me, it's like shifting without really doing it!" the Luna gave him a huge smile and that in itself seemed to relax Tae's nerves

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Once Taehyung had finally left, Seong decided he needed to let the others know why he went to the University.  Their mom decided to stay and eat with them, which was rare.

"Since we're all here, I need to talk to you guys, especially since Taehyung is gone" Seong voice was serious but still soft.  "I talked to my mentor about Tae attacking the rogue."  Their mom stopped eating and gave Seong her full attention as did the other two.

"What did he say?" She was more curious than worried.

"He doesn't think Taehyung is a 'normal' omega."

"Well no shit Sherlock, I could have told him that!" 

"Kai, please."  His mom put a hand on his arm to calm him down, "go on Seong."

"He's not even sure he's a typical Wolfen either, and neither am I.  I...I think we need to let him know about his mom and dad.  He already knows he's pretty much adopted." Their mom got up from the table and walked towards the living room.  The brothers all looked at each other then went after their mom.   

"Mom?" Namjoon decided to break the silence causing the Luna to let out a very long and much-needed sigh.

"Your right Seong.  With Taehyung being off the meds, we don't know what will happen other than he will definitely be going into heat soon.  If it's a strong heat, then he's going to need someone to help him with that,  that's our biggest worry especially with all that's happened to him.  There's one more thing..." 

Now the brothers were really starting to get worried.  Their mom got up and started pacing. 

"You guys know that Tae's mom was your dad's sister.  What no one... none of us know who his dad is.  She would never talk about him or mention him.  She had left for a while and came by to visit once and she was already pregnant then.  She left to go back to have the baby.  All we know is that she died during childbirth and he died on his way to the birth, how he died we don't know. but it was brutal as his body was all mangled.  So all we know is that his dad was Wolfen and that's it and Tae's mom, Tae's mom was different also.  So Taehyung is just one big mystery"

"Plus your dad, your dad is worried about what he saw in the hospital between your brother and Jungkook."

"Worried how" Kai had an even more serious look on his face if that was even possible.

"He's not sure, he says he's never seen 2 Wolfen act that close without being mated.  It was almost like Jungkook could feel Taehyung's pain.  That's not possible without a mate bond taking place."

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