37 - Tensions

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After breakfast, Jungkook needed to get out of the clothes he had on. The fibers had trapped Taehyung's scent and it was still affecting him slightly. Returning to the kitchen, he poured himself a cup of coffee and sat next to Namjoon who was still hanging in the kitchen for some reason.

"Hey Namjoon, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"You're starting to make this a habit," The two just laughed.

"Hey did Taehyung talk to you about us moving in together?"

"Yup, we all think it's a great idea."

"Thank God, I was worried about you guys."

"Relax Jungkook, I told you before your family now. We like you, so you're good."

"Thanks. So we found a place online last night that we think would be perfect for us."


"You're the realtor for the property."

"Oh!" Namjoon had to laugh.

"You got a picture or address?" Jungkook took out his phone and showed it to Namjoon.

"Oh Yeah, okay! You know that would be perfect for you two. It's in a great spot with lots of local shops and it's right near the Metro station. When did you two want to look at it?"

"Well, I don't want to leave the compound until we've taken care of the rogue issue."

"Sure thing, I think we're staying till then also so whenever your two are ready, just let me know."

"Thanks Namjoon, If you'll excuse me, I need to see where I'm needed today."

"You're not staying with Taehyung today?"

"My dad said he needed to see me. I think his mom or Jimin will stay with him until I get back."

"Ok, we'll talk again later I'm sure."

Jungkook left to find his dad. Walking out onto the front deck, he took a deep breath, allowing the fresh outside air to clear out that last of his Mate's scent from his head. Scanning the grounds he found his dad talking to his brother by a large Oak tree. Jungkook approached the two, trying to keep some space between him and his brother. The less interaction he could have with him the better. Seeing him approach, his dad and Dongjun turned to look at him.

"Dad? You said you wanted to see me. What do you need me to do today?"

"Nothing, you need to stay with Taehyung today, he will need you after being in heat." Dongjun couldn't resist taking a dig at his brother, just to piss him off as he knew he wouldn't do anything, not with their dad standing right there.

"Don't ride him too hard there little bro. Don't want to wreck his cute little ass before you really get to enjoy it."

That was it. Jungkook had had enough. Their dad stepped back, he would let them handle things this time. The Elder knew whatever issues the two had they would have to deal with it however they saw fit. Jungkook landed a solid right hook on his brother's nose, breaking it. Luckily for him, his broken nose would heal itself in no time. Kai who was walking by, not only saw and but heard Dongjun's rude comment.

Kai moved swiftly and grabbed Jungkook with one arm before the young Alpha knew what was happening. Kai placed Jungkook behind his back as Dongjun lunged at him, blocking the young Alpha from his brother's attack. Kai grabbed Dongjun's shirt and slammed him against the tree. Both Elder Alphas were now observing the altercation taking place; Namjoon saw what was happening from the kitchen and ran out to stop his brother.

The Elders were simply watching to see how the younger Alphas would handle conflict. To them, it was a way to see what kind of potential they could have as leaders. They would only step in if needed.

"Fucking talk shit like that again about my little bro or his Mate and your ass is the one that's gonna get wrecked. That was uncalled for and you know it. Learn some respect. Alpha!"

"Don't you know who I am asshole?" Dongjun was again using his status as Pack Alpha's son to intimidate, flashing his red Alpha eyes, but Kai was not the one to do that to.

"Motherfucker, please. I give a shit who you are cause I can make you my bitch in 2 seconds."

Kai started to show his true form as his eyes shifted to a beautiful yet muted hazel/green. Muscles flexing, Kai's scent as a True Alpha started to rise. Luckily Namjoon reached them in time. Even though True Alphas weren't rare, letting their status known was something they chose not to do. Other Alphas took joy in challenging them to see if they really were stronger and more dominant. No one wanted to deal with the constant fights or other issues that would pop up from having their status known.

"Kai! let him go. Now!" Namjoon was just shy of using his Alpha voice. Kai slowly backed off. His body quickly returning to normal.

Dongjun started to smirk thinking he'd proved his point and took another intimidating stance. Namjoon wasn't having any of his shit either. Dongjun tried to make a move for Kai, but Namjoon was quick to put a stop to his advancement with a hand to his chest. Stopping anything further from happening. Namjoon looked Dongjun square in the eyes.

"Don't! Let it go and move one. Now is not the time for your cocky bullshit Dongjun. The safety of your Pack comes first. Once we've finished with the Rogues, then you two can fight it out. Not now! So put your precious, fragile ego on hold and Alpha the fuck up for your Pack!"

Kai looked back at Jungkook and gave him a nod as he and Namjoon walked off. Jungkook shook his head at his brother as he turned and walked back to the house. The Elder Alphas looked at each other and went their separate ways, they saw all they needed to.


Jungkook made his way up the steps of the deck and into to the kitchen as Deeya was leaving. They both ignored each other. Another moment he was grateful for. Jungkook had only one thing on his mind and that was his Mate. Walking back to Chin's room, he found the older Omega cleaning up and returning things to normal.

"Hey ChinChin, where's Taehyung?"

"Oh, hey Kookie! He already went back to your room. He's soaking in the tub to help with the last bit of tension. I know it's your room, but I'd knock, he's not expecting you, wait? Why aren't you out helping the others?"

"My dad told me to spend time with Taehyung."

"Ohhh, good, Tae really needs you right now hon. Off with you, go! There's a plate of food for him in the fridge if he gets hungry." Chin stopped what he was doing to push the young Alpha out of his room and in the direction of his Mate.

"Thanks ChinChin." Jungkook made a beeline for his bedroom.

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