25 - Awkward!

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The young Omegas froze for a moment as Deeya stood at the entrance to the kitchen.  Luna Jeon addressed her.

"Deeya, why are you back here?  We asked you to stay away for now and we meant it." Luna Jeon was trying not to lose her temper with the young female Alpha.

"I left something in Jungkook's room and I want it back."  The Lunas could tell by the tone of her voice that she being cocky and defiant.  Both of the older ladies doubted her story and neither wanted anything to do with her.  Not now with the Alpha's out on their scouting mission.

Jimin looked at Tae and elbowed him in the side, Tae returned the jester which caught Deeya's attention.  Once again, catching a case of amnesia, she was about to harass them. 

Some just never learn.

She gave them a searing glance, "Don't worry Omegas, I'm not going to touch y... wait, why are you wearing Jungkook's hoody?" Deeya gave Taehyung a look of disgust, which he easily ignored.  

Luna Lee was growing tired of the unexpected intrusion.  "I know you won't touch anyone Deeya.  What is it you're looking for? Taehyung will get if for you."  

"Taehyung?  Taehyung has no business being anywhere near Jungkook's room!" 

Both the Lunas had enough with Deeya's disrespect.  Luna Jeon got up and approached Deeya, even though she was an Omega, this was her house.  "I hate to break it you Deeya, but Taehyung as every right to be in Jungkook's room.  You, my dear, do not.  Now, what is that you want and make it quick."   Deeya shot Taehyung a glare full of resentment and hate.  She started to move towards him when Luna Lee grabbed her arm.


Taehyung was shocked that his mom used her Alpha voice.  Jimin quickly stiffened up, but Chin moved closer towards the two young Omegas.  Standing between Jimin and Taehyung, Chin returned Deeya's glare. 

Deeya stopped her movements and focused back to Taehyung, her arm still in his mother's hand. "And what makes you so fucking special Omega?"  

Taehyung could usually ignore most people when they wanted to get cocky, but with Deeya, it was another story.  Taehyung stood up by his chair, looking Deeya straight in the eyes.

"He's my Mate." 

Deeya burst out laughing,  The Elder Alpha releasing her arm but keeping an eye on her as did Chin and Luna Jeon.

"Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me.  So now Jungkook's gay?"  She continued to laugh.

"That's enough Deeya!" Snapped Luna Jeon.  Deeya stopped and turned to her.

"Taehyung is Jungkook's Mate.  You Deeya, are no longer welcomed here.  Jungkook was going to talk to you when he returned, but since you've forced the issue, I'll be the one to tell you.  They're Mates.  You can either leave the Pack permanently or, we will move you out of the Pack House and into one of the member cabins." Shit was about to get real as Luna Jeon moved closer and got in Deeya's face.  "If you stay here, and I hear one word of you mistreating an Omega, I will have your ass.  Alpha status be damned.  Understand young lady?"

Deeya turned her attention to Taehyung. "You knew this all along, didn't you?"

"No one knew Deeya until the other night.  Jungkook didn't want to tell anyone until things settled down with the Rogues."  Luna Jeon had stepped back as she didn't think Deeya would do anything.

Taehyung meanwhile was being assaulted from the scent Deeya was giving off and it was agitating him and his wolf.  Standing there letting the Lunas talk to her, he looked her up and down, her abdomen drawing his focus.  His eyes widened.

"You bitch!!" Deeya snarled at Taehyung, who was too focused on her lower half to notice.  "Well, good luck on NOT being his mate Taehyung because---."

Taehyung cut her off "...you're pregnant."

You could hear a pin drop. Everyone stood there with their mouths on the floor at the bombshell Taehyung just dropped.  No one had any kind of response for what he said.  Jimin, being Jimin, allowed his mouth to bypass his brain and sense of better judgement. 

"Well, this is fucking awkward."   even though he whispered it, everyone heard it.

"WHAT!!"  Both Lunas in unison again.

"I said she's pregnant."  Taehyung  spoke loud and clear as he moved towards her.  He was in now way intimidated by her and was actually surprised that she was still being so blatantly arrogant.  "Touch me again and I'll kill you!"  Deeya's eyes had shifted to red,  Luna Lee moved towards her, but Taehyung stopped her by raising his hand. 

"Don't mom.  You are pregnant, Deeya, but it's not Jungkook's."

"How the hell do you know?  It is his which means he will choose me to be his mate since I'm going to bear him a child!"

Taehyung was still calm, his hands now in the pockets of the hoody, he just looked at her.  Deeya's outbursts had not phased him one bit.  He looked down at her abdomen and back into her eyes. "It's not Jungkook's Deeya and you know it's not.  Plus, I can smell that it's not his.  I can also tell that it's an Omega and a girl.  The other scent from the child isn't Jungkook's, it's his brother's, Dongjun."

Deeya couldn't speak as all the color drained from her face.  Chin dropped the glass he had in his hand, which didn't affect anyone because they were still in shock.  Deeya tried to regain her composure as her little plan of entrapment was failing and she had to salvage what she could.

"There's no way you could know that!" Deeya took a step back.

"But I do Deeya,  I smelled you and your child before you came into the house.  And I am Jungkook's Mate, not you."

"Deeya? Really?" Luna Jeon couldn't believe what she was hearing.  She had been so worried about how she would take things that hearing all of this. "Deeya, Dongjun is already mated, yes they have issues but still!"

Deeya's immense hatred for Taehyung would not let her leave so easily.  "Dongjun will reject his mate, all I have to do is ask him too once he finds out the child is his.  Since she can't have kids, he won't hesitate.  Jungkook was just an opportunity to become Luna, eventually.  But now that  you all know I'm carrying Dongjun's child,  I no longer have to pretend with Jungkook.  Me becoming Luna will happen sooner than I planned." 

Luna Jeon was furious.  Furious at Deeya's lack of respect and selfishness.  "Whatever Dongjun chooses to do is his business.  But you, Deeya, will never be Luna of this Pack.  Now leave.   And don't make me make you."  The older Omega, along with Chin, had moved in front of Deeya, protecting Taehyung and Jimin from anything she had intended to do.  Deeya looked once more at Taehyung and left as she knew that even though there was only one other Alpha in the room, she was with child.   Deeya left without saying another word.

The tension in the room followed Deeya out of the pack house and everyone sighed as they relaxed. 

Luna Jeon turned to Chin.  "Thank you ChinChin."  He smiled and went behind the island.   The Luna and his mom looked at Taehyung, who smiled at them.   Taehyung  rubbed Luna Jeon's arm in a sign of gratitude.  

"How were you able to smell her and her child Tae?" Taehyung's mom asked after she had calmed down from her Alpha state. 

"My wolf is awake mom."

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