43 - No More Secrets

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"Holy shit!"

No one could believe what they had just witnessed, and no one seemed to be able to move.

{Kookie, take me home, please. I feel awful.}

"Okay baby."

Jungkook turned to everyone. "We need to get him back to the house, now." No one spoke as they made their way back to the pack house.  Hurrying through the woods, Seong regained his strength and went with Namjoon to help escort the attackers.   Kai ended up carrying Jimin back as well. Once the house was in sight, the Luna's and Chin ran towards them. Chin uncharacteristically took the lead and ran up to Jungkook.

"Jungkook, take Taehyung to the room, there's water in the tub, get him cleaned off and dried, but do not put clothes on him. You do the same and get him into bed. You hold him close and do not let go of him, do you understand?"

"Chin he -"

"I said do you understand? If not, he dies, got it?" No one moved as Chin suddenly seemed to morph into an Alpha given the intensity of the current situation.

"Yes." Jungkook took off towards the house. Chin turned to Dongjun and his partners.  The Omega growled and stormed over to the two unknown Alphas and snapped their necks before the others could respond or stop him. Everyone gasped in horror at Chin's sudden brutality.  The lifeless bodies slipped from Namjoon and Seong's hands, crumbling to the ground.  Chin moved to Dongjun and grabbed him by the hair, holding his head up to look him in the eyes.

"If Taehyung dies, I swear I will eat you alive!"  Chin's voice was ominus and deep, not the normal soft and loving voice everyone was so used to hearing from him.

The Elder Alphas snapped out of it. "Chin what the hell - "

"Not now! Take Dongjun to the holding quarters. We all need to talk.  Alphas shower and meet in Alpha Jeon's office."  Chin turned and made his way back to the house.  The anger was emanating off of him and he needed to distance himself from everyone. The others followed, not knowing what to think of what just happened or the change that had occurred with their peaceful, loving Chin.

After everyone made it inside, Chin went to his room to gather some things and to let the events sink in. He also needed to calm down before he talked to anyone.  Chin would have to tell everyone his secrets, he no longer had the option of keeping them to himself.  Before he did that, he needed to talk to a certain Alpha first.

Chin made his way to Jimin's room to see how he was doing, softly knocking on the door when he arrived. "Min, can I come in lovey?"


Jimin was shaken up, but physically okay.  He had showered and was sitting on his bed, hugging his knees against his chest.  Chin immediately embraced him. "I'm so sorry dearheart that they did that to you. They didn't hurt you, did they?"

"No, I'll be fine, but Chin... you broke their necks like it was nothing."

"I know Min, but they hurt you. You guys are my family and I swore no one would ever take my family away from me again."  Chin kissed Jimin on the forehead.

"Here, take one of these, it will help you sleep, are you ok sleeping in here alone?"

"No, I mean... no, not really, I'm really scared ChinChin."

"Hey, no problem, who's room do you want to sleep in?" Jimin was embarrassed to say. He and Tae were so much alike. "It's ok Min, say it. If it will make you feel safer, say it."


Chin smiled, "Ok, come on lovely." Chin and Jimin walked to Kai's room, luckily the Alpha was still there. Chin knocked.

I Am Yours  & You Are Mine {Taekook FF}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt