23 - Leaving Again

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Jungkook's nose began to itch as it was being tickled by hair. He opened his eyes and squinted from the bright sunlight. That meant morning and that meant he would have to head out soon. He looked down to see the top of a grey head.  Taehyung had latched onto him like a koala bear. Jungkook tried to move causing Tae to let out a whimper and snuggle into him even more. With his free hand, he ran his fingers through Tae's hair, another whimper leaving the Omega.

"Tae?" Jungkook needed him to wake up, but it wasn't working. "Baby, I need to get up." Tae whimpered and held on even tighter. All Jungkook could do was smile and breathe in his mate's scent. Just then there was a knock at the door. This time he untangled himself for the Omega koala and sat up, hiding Taehyung under the covers. "Yeah?"

His dad opened the door. The Alpha's scent startled Tae, causing him to curl up and move against Jungkook's side. Feeling his mate's nervousness, he looked down. "It's okay" with a gentle rub to the back of Tae's head, Jungkook turned to his dad. "Yes, Sir?"

"We need to get ready to head out. Everyone's in the dining room, Dongjun is out helping with the base camps. Those heading out need to eat a heavy meal before we go." The Elder had to smile at the Omega hidden under the blankets, curled in a little ball. "How's he doing?"

"He's still exhausted, been whimpering a lot, Chin said he's in pain.   I think he'll sleep for most of the day."

"It's probably a good thing. I know you hate to leave him right now, but we have things to take care of."

"I'll be out in a minute. Thanks dad."   Alpha Jeon smiled and quietly closed the door, leaving the two alone again.

"Tae, baby, I need you to wake up, come on. We both need to eat something." Tae eventually peeked out from under the covers, his eyes filled with tears.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Jungkook didn't need to go out on a scouting mission worrying about his mate, he needed his mind to be clear and focused. "Talk to me Taehyung, what's wrong?"

Again, Taehyung refused to talk. Jungkook laid back down and brought their foreheads together so all that he could see were Tae's beautiful blue eyes. He was wondering why he was being so emotional all of a sudden. Taehyung moved away from him, but still held his gaze.

"You knew this Taehyung.  We have to scout the area first.  We'll be gone for a few days, we should have things under control by then, okay? Chin and Jimin will stay with you while I'm out." Jungkook looked at Taehyung.  Something felt off with him.

"Taehyung are you ok?"  

Taehyung sat up looked away. "We're Mates?"  His voice was so soft that Jungkook almost didn't hear him.

 Looking over at him, Jungkook smiled.  He hadn't realized how out of it Taehyung was as he thought he was doing better.  "Yes, we're Mates Taehyung."  

Taehyung grabbed the side of his head and yelped at the sharp stab of pain. Jungkook was getting worried and moved closer to him, putting his arm around Tae's shoulder.  "Taehyung what is it? Talk or I'm getting your mom." Taehyung just sat there. Jungkook moved to get out of the bed but Tae grabbed his arm.

"I just have a migraine from yesterday." After a few deep breaths, Taehyung felt better. He looked at the Alpha again.

"I take it you're ok with us being Mates now?" Jungkook was still worried.  Taehyung shook his head yes as Jungkook rubbed his back to get him to calm down. "Tae, I need to get going." Taehyung held onto Jungkook with a death grip, an unknown fear not allowing him to let go.

"Are you feeling okay, you're acting weird?"

"I - I just have a bad headache and I'm exhausted. I'm always clingy like this when I'm hurting. I'll be fine. Besides, my wolf is the one being weird, not me." Taehyung could tell he was one shade away from looking like a tomato.

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