13 - Can I go Home?

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Ok, so the next couple of chapters might seem kinda boring as they need to set the scene/pace for the good stuff (at least what I think is the good stuff) 

Jimin was the first to wake up, the two had slept till late in the afternoon and the nurses let them.  He was careful not to disturb Taehyung who was still resting, thankfully.  It was a good time to go to the restroom and grab something to drink out of the vending machine. Luckily Tae had a private room that included its own bathroom.  Just as Jimin had unzipped his pants to urinate when he heard Tae yelling for him.

"I'm here! I'm here!" Jimin rushed out of the bathroom and to his bedside. 

"I thought I was alone!" Tae looked at Jimin with watery eyes. 

"No, just had to pee".

"Ohhh, go go go go!" with that Jimin was off once again. When he exited the nurse was in the room checking Taehyung's vitals and taking another blood sample.   After she left, Jimin crawled back into bed with Taehyung. 

 "You know you've got everyone freaked out?"

Tae looked over at him confused. "Freaked out about what?'

"You don't know?"

"If I knew, do you think I would have asked dork?"

"Shit...you attacked a Rogue Alpha Tae, no, you actually attacked 2 Alphas.  The Rogue and Deeya!!" Tae looked at him as if he had suddenly grown a second head.

"What did you smoke at the party Jimin?"

"I'm serious, Tae!"

Taehyung tried to remember but all he got was a splitting headache which caused him to press the palm of his hand into his forehead, wincing since it was the one that he ripped the IV out of.

"I don't remember much of last night Min, sorry."

"Well do you at least remember your dance with Jungkook?"  Taehyung's blushing confirmed that he did at least remember that much.

"Hmpf, that's what I thought. You two have got something going on and it's more than having the hots for each other Tae, everyone can tell.  He's been the only one able to calm you down.  Hell, he snapped at Kai and wouldn't let anyone touch you after the attack?" Tae just looked at Jimin dumbfounded. He wished he could remember, but then again he was glad that he didn't.

"Ummm, where is he now?" Tae voice was so shy with the question.  

"He went back to the compound with your brothers.  Probably getting his ass chewed for leaving during a Pack emergency, but nothing was going to stop him from getting you to the hospital last night.  Do you want me to text him for you?"

"No, no,  it's fine.  I'm sure he has enough to deal with.  Don't bother him." just then his mom and Dr. Kim came into his room. "Mom!"

"Well someone is looking much better and rested."  His mom was relieved that her youngest pup was up and at least smiling.  "Thank you so much Min for staying with him, wait where's Seong?" The Luna giving Jimin a tight 'mom hug' and a kiss to the forehead.  

"Seong ended up having to take care of something at the University" 

"How do you feel Taehyung?" Dr. Kim asked as he walked to the side of Tae's bed and sat in the available chair. "Fine."

"Good, cause we need to have a chat." Tae looked at his mom with concern only to receive a pained smile. 

"Jimin will you wait outside for a moment, please?"

I Am Yours  & You Are Mine {Taekook FF}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن