Chapter 1-The beginning

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"Annabelle, sit up straight, don't slouch, don't chew with your mouth open, and don't ever interrupt someone when they are talking." My instructor says to me.

She stands an average height of 5 foot 8. She is in the older ages so she has grey whisps of hair framing her face, an old grandmotherly look to her face and knowledge in her eyes. It always freaks me out when she makes eye contact.

I sadly am shorter than the average for my age. Just turning 18, I am 5 foot 6. Seem average? No, not in my Kingdom. She peers at me with her dark brown eyes that shine with a passion to make me learn. I turn my dark blue eyes to her. I sit up straight and nod. I pull my shoulders back.

"Yes, instructor. I understand clearly." I say sarcastically and she is oblivious to it.

"Don't ever trust any male you see right away, don't leave the sight of your private guard, don't take anything free from the vendors, never let yourself get caught in bad places." She continues her boring lecture.

I have been sitting here for the past two hours hearing what to do and not to do. It has been like this for the past three days! Someone please get me out of here!

"There has been an issue your highness." One of the guards says bowing to me. His blue sash falls away from his body. That is one of our royal colors. Blue. The other is deep green. I stand and he continues. "Your brother's symptoms have gotten worse and he has requested to see you at once."

I nod and let a slight frown show on my face. Another lesson: don't let too much emotion show on the face, it can be a weakness.

He leads me down the hall of the castle. The castle sits on a hill in the forest. Not hidden as it might sound but very aware. And being in the middle of the forest we have the most beautiful view of sunsets and sunrises. I look out the windows and see the sky is cloudy and about to rain. I pull my dark red cloak around me, almost covering my light blue dress.

I follow him until we reach my brother's chambers. He slightly knocks on the door and opens it. I follow behind him and stand at the doorway.

"Belle." My brothers voice cracks from the bed. He was poisoned about a year ago and all the local doctors have given him all sorts of cures to try and fix his problem. Shocked he is still alive? Me too but sadly none of the cures work but they somehow slow down the syptoms quite a bit.

"Alexon, I heard you have worsened. I'm so sorry. I wish I could take it away from you." I say with honestly. He might not be the best ruler but he is very protective and loving of me. He's the best big brother I could ever ask for.

"Come closer so it's easier for me to talk." He says, voice ruined by all the possible remedies.

I slowly walk forward and hear the slapping on my feet against the stone floor. I get to his bed and sit next to him. I look down and see father in him.

His short black wavy hair, his hazel eyes that glow with a perseverance to stay alive, his arrogant cheekbones, his slightly bend nose from the fights with the knights, his long muscled body, and his careful but lethal hands which grabbed mine in his one.

"What has happened? You have become less clammy since I was here two days ago. Which is a very good thing."

"Nothing, but it was the only way you would come. I want to tell you something." I nod and he continues. "I want you to rule. Clarissa is dead and I might not make it. I want you to rule for me. Even if I do make it I won't be worthy enough as you are. They all love you. All the doctors said they can't heal me but I want a witch to try." He whispers, which makes him easier to listen to.

Witches are troublemakers. They only do things if it helps them. And they hate royals more than anyone. And no one knows why.

"Y-you want me to get you a witch?" I say with fear and panic.

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