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Akane p.o.v

"I can't believe you went through that for me," I muttered, dabbing a wet cloth across Ho-Seok's eye. "That scar is pretty deep."

"It's nothing," he muttered before removing the cloth. "Rather me than you."

I blushed at this as he looked at me with his dark eyes. "I...I could deal with her myself," I scoffed, turning my head.

Ho-Seok smirked. "Could you be any more thankful?"

"Thankful for what?" I asked. "You just happened to be at the right the place at the right time."

I suddenly felt warm hands against my cheeks, startling me and causing me to drop the wet cloth. Ho-Seok's body leant towards me and he was inches away from my face.

At that moment, I realised how cute Ho-Seok was. He had smooth skin and bright eyes which reflected the light. His hair was pushed back away from his eyes, which I twirled around my finger.

"What are you hoping to accomplish," I breathed. "You saved the damsel in distress, what more could you want?"

Ho-seok smirked again before gently touching my cheek. "You," he muttered before pushing his lips onto mine.

Taehyung p.o.v

I was always known as the prince who didn't do as he was told. I never did my royal duties and I always complained that life wasnt fair. Many cubs had told me that I was lucky to be born into 'royalty'.

I didn't find it lucky.

My parents both told me about the world of the unknown. I wasnt allowed to pass that line that separated us. It was dangerous. At least that's what they said. Not ever had I have dared to step over that boundary.

It was the only rule I had ever listened to.

But now that I've mets Jimin it made me feel even more curious about the unknown. What was it like? In a place with no wood, no trees no grass? And were there more people like Jimin?



That when I heard Min-Yoongi's name it made me feel jealous. Jealous that he had seen the unknown. Jealous that he'd seen Jimin more than me. It filled me with rage.

I gritted my teeth in fustration. "That bastard!" I cried out, my fists clenched.

If he was in the Unknown as a Prince then why couldn't I as an alpha. Why couldn't I get the same pleasures as him? Why did my parents have to die and not his? Why me? Just why me?

I hated Yoongi, I hated everyone in the blasted Unknown. Most of all I hated Jimin, because he had everything. Everything that I couldnt have.

A family.

A lover.

And most importantly 'Freedom'.

I suddenly felt my fists raising in the air and flying towards Jimin's head. His eyes widened as my fist flew past him and hit the bark of the tree behind him.

A spark of orange sparks flew out of my fist which soon disintegrated into the air.

There was a silence that followed as Jimin and I stared at each other. There was a hint of fear in his eyes as he gulped in apprehension.

"I..."I started, my eyes flashing yellow as I stared into his deep eyes. "Are you hurt?"

Jimin shook his head minutely. I sighed before covering my face with my hands in shame and guilt. I had almost attacked Jimin; I dont know what terrified me most.

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