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Namjoon P.O.V

"N...Namjoon?" Taehyung stammered.

I raised an eyebrow. "Thought I was on the other side of the forest?" I asked. "I'm not stupid, its the oldest trick in the book."

Taehyung turned away from me. I took a deep breath. "Who were you with?" I questioned. "You were with someone, I could smell their scent."

Taehyung gasped before folding his arms in stubbornness. "Nobody, and its not any of your business."

I reached out for Taehyung's arm and he turned to stare at me.

"Not if it's a human." 

Jimin P.O.V

Ji-hyung : where ya at. We meant to be going to family gathering.

Jimin: I'm on my way, got held up

Ji-hyung: well hurry yo ass up. I'm not suffering on my own.

I sighed and placed my phone back into my back pocket. Our aunt and uncle were coming over to our house for the evening and they had two bratty kids: Jennie and Ken-ji. They lived in a rich area out of town and were really spoilt, driving both Jimin and Ji-hyung nuts.

"Hurry up Jimin!" called his brother from the other side of the door. "I need to use the bathroom... plus I really want to see you in your formalwear."

I grunted as I unlocked the door and stepped out of the bathroom. Ji-hyung stared at me for a few moments before bursting into laughter. I scowled. I was wearing a blue tuxedo with a white Boutonnière. My hair was brown with a blonde streak and I wore black shiny shoes.

"Shut up!" I growled at him, eyeing his formalwear. I was annoyed that he actually looked good in his formalwear; whereas I looked like I had escaped a prom.

Ji-hyung wore a black tuxedo with a bright blue Boutonnière secured on his chest. His hair was chestnut brown and he wore a pair of black shoes. He grinned at me, linking arms with me.

"Come on little brother, it's just a gathering, it's not like your going to prom..."he said as we descended the stairs. The doorbell chimed the halls. "...or then you really would be in trouble."

I pulled a face at him and he smirked. The front door opened and we were greeted with bouquets of flowers and fancy clothing. A tall man and middle aged lady smiled at dad as they kissed him on his cheek.

"Long time no see Keith!" my aunt squealed. Then she turned to me and Ji-hyung and gave u a crushing hug. "Jelly and-

"It's Jimin," I winced, trying to avoid my aunt's kiss. "And this is my brother, Ji-hyung."

She smiled at us warmly before turning back. "Jennie! Ken-ji! Come and see your cousins, my they have grown."

A short while later, two figures stepped into the house. There was a girl with long brown hair and dark eyes. She wore a two part short green dress and black Nike trainers. The guy beside her was taller but had a feminine like face; he had dark black hair and dark brown eyes. He wore a white jumper and a pair of royal blue trousers.

"Jimin, Jihyun, these are my children, Jennie and Ken-ji," my auntie introduced. The girl blew a bubble from her bubble gum innocently and the guy stared blankly at his phone screen. My aunt smiled nervously.

We all moved to the dining room and sat at a large table. On one side was me, Jennie, Ji-hyung and father; on the other side was Ken-ji, Uncle and Auntie.

"How nice of you to invite us over," my auntie smiled. My uncle nodded in agreement. "I haven't seen you in donkey years, back when Jimin and Ji-hyung were barely 5." He pointed at Jennie and Jungkook. "Jennie here is 16 and Ken-ji is 17."

"Our Jimin is 16 too, and Jihyun is turning 18 next month."

Jennie and I both exchanged glances at each other before quickly looking away. I noticed that both Jennie and Ken-ji both had the latest phones and wore designer clothing. It wasn't soon until the dinner was ready. We all chowed down on sushi, ramen, tteokbokki and rice balls. I didn't eat much, only a plate of ramen and rice; Jennie ate even less than me- 2 rice balls.

I noticed that throughout the dinner, Jennie and Ji-hyung kept on exchanging glances at each other, but I didn't take any notice. Instead, I reached out for my cup but accidently knocked over Jennie's which landed onto her green dress. Jennie screamed.

"My dress!" she cried. "Oh my dress!"

"I'm so...so...sorry," I apologised. "It was an acci-

"Do you know how much this dress COST!" Jennie squealed at me. I didn't answer. "More than your LIFE!"

My father stood up. "Go to the bathroom and get cleaned up," he said hurriedly then looked at Ji-hyung. "Go show her the way." Ji-hung nodded as he followed Jennie out of the room. I sighed to myself.

Ken-ji glanced at me from across the table and smirked. "Good to see her in a right state," he muttered to me. "She cares more about her clothes than her family." I stared at Ken-ji who smiled cheerfully at me. "Don't mind her, she's just a brat."

I nodded unsurely. I was going to reach for my phone when I realised that I had left it in the bathroom while I was getting changed, so I excused myself from the table and ascended the stairs. The bathroom door was open by a small gap and the light was still on. I didn't know where Ji-hyung was but I just guessed he was in his room or something.

I felt bad for ruining Jennie's dress and wanted to apologise again. So I pushed open the door and took a deep breath.

"Jennie, I'm really, really sorry for ruining your-

My voice trailed off as I stared at the horror in front of me.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I sat on the rock in annoyance. Akane was in front of me, playing with the butterflies in her wolf form. I watched as she reached out to catch one but flew out of her reach. A few moments later, Ho-Seok approached with a grim expression on his face.

"Your father wants to see you Taehyung," he said quietly. Taehyung looked up, so did Akane. He sighed and got up from his rock as he made his way to his father.

The Alpha waited for him patiently at the base of the forest. Taehyung stood a metre away from him as he hung his head down low- he knew what was coming.

"Taehyung... you disappointed me today," his father started. "I could have lost you... the heir of the throne." I said nothing. "Your a prince for gods sake! You have duties! You have rules!"

"We were under attack today and you not only decided to face them head on but endanger Akane as well?" continued his father. "I have nothing else to say except I'm VERY disappointed."

I clenched my fists. "Father... what did the Iko pack want with you?"

His father sighed. "If you must know, they wanted to join forces with the Kiyogi pack- to marry Akane," he mumbled. "He wanted to attack our hills and claim land, but the old man Isiah needed a heir queen."

I breathed out as my eyes widened. "He wanted to use Akane? What did her mother say?"

"no of course, that she was meant to be married to you," he pursued. Then he turned to me with fear in his eyes. "Look after Akane... but don't tell her what we discussed."

I nodded slowly. "I'll protect her," I muttered. Then turned away. "But I'm not doing this for you."

"I'm doing this for the pack."

Territory |JimV| (Wolf x Human)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu