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Jimin p.o.v

I stirred my ramen with my chopsticks mindlessly. I didnt know what to think anymore; Jin probably hates me and Taehyung has duties as a now alpha.

Jungkook stared at me sadly, as he watched me neglect my ramen.

"Jimin," he started but then saw the flicker in my eyes and held back on his words.

There was a short pause. "Do you ever feel... useless?" I muttered brokenly.

Jungkook looked startled by the question. I sighed. "Never mind, I'm probably just over reacting aren't I," I faltered. "Jin probably thinks Im a liar and Taehyung doesn't have time for guys like me."

"Whose Taehyung?" Jungkook questioned.

I blinked. "Nobody," I said quickly. Then sighed deeply, digging my face into her palm. "Who am I kidding, he's like a best friend..."

Jungkook seemed confused but didnt persue the topic any further. "You should eat," he encouraged. But I shook my head.

"Not hungry," I muttered.

All of a sudden, my noodles crashed to the floor. The bowl shattered into pieces and the liquid seeped across the floor. Jungkook looked up. So did I.

I was face to face with a brown haired guy and deep brown eyes. He had a scar across his left eye that went down to the start of his nose.

"Where's Jin?" He snarled at me. I turned away and shrugged. Jungkook gave me a desperate look and the bully growled at me in an inhuman manner. "What the fuck do you mean by that!" He snarled again. "I've seen you two together, where is he?"

"I said that I don't know," I insisted. I turned to look at him. "Why do you want him anyway? What's he done?"

The guy tittered. "He owes me some money." He spat. He then turned away in annoyance. "If you ever see that Bastard then tell him that I was looking for him."

"Sure whatever," I muttered. The guy smirked before walking away. Jungkook gave me a concerned look.

"Do you know who that was?" He asked me. I shook my head. "A bully?"

"That was Min Yoon-gi," he exasperated. "He's like the god of this school... the alpha."

My eyes widened. But not at his name but at the word "alpha". I remembered that smirk he had given and how sharp his teeth were. But he couldn't be... I was just imagining it.

"I wonder what trouble Jin has gotten himself into with him!" Cried Jungkook. "He must have asked for a big favour."

I guessed as much. But I couldn't face Jin right now... not when he looked down at me.

I had to make things right.

Taehyung p.o.v

My fur pricked up as the wind blew gently against it. I blinked as I tried to stand up; Akane lied beside me and wrinkled her nose.

"Taehyung!" She groaned. "Stop moving!"

I froze. Suddenly all the memories came back to me. I remembered how I kissed her- used her to fullfill my satisfaction. But it didn't feel right.

"Akane..." I muttered.


"Akane get up!" I cried out. Akane shifted and stretched before getting up. She blinked her dark eyes at me.

"Whats wrong Tae?" She puzzled.

I sighed. "Akane..." I avowed. "I like you, I really do!"

Akane blinked at me before nudging her head against my body. Her fur tickled my warm body as she growled softly.

"I like you too Tae," she muttered. I sighed and paced away from her.

I didn't know how to say it without hurting her feelings. "Its just... I'm not ready for... this!" I explained, montioning around myself. "I don't know, I guess I just kinda lost control of myself."

Akane's eyes seemed to have melted as I spoke. "What are you trying to say?" She breathed.

I sighed and nodded. "Im saying...," then I paused. "Im saying that we should take things slow."

No dammit Taehyung! I chastised myself. Your meant to tell her you dont feel the same about her! That you dont want to mate with her at all!

Akane sniffed my head and butt before rubbing against me. "I understand Taehyung," she muttered. And then smiled.

"We'll take things slow," she said. "I better go anyway, my mother is probably wondering where I am" She turned away but I stopped her.

"Akane..." I started. "Dont tell anyone about... us."

Akane tilted her head before giving a half smile. There was a glint in her eye before she turned into the forest.

I breathed out heavily: my life was about to get a lot harder.

Jin p.o.v

I held my breath as the wolf scampered into the snow. My heart drummed loudly in my chest.

My eyes widened at the sight before me: two real life wolves. I pulled out my phone and started to take pictures.

Jimin was right! It was wrong of me to doubt him. I turned and relaxed against the tree in triumph only to be face to face with Jimin.

"What do you think your doing?" He asked curiously. His wooly hat tilting on his head.

My breath rose in the chilly air as I stood up, feet crunching under the leaves. Snowflakes began to fall from the grey sky.

"I hope your not thinking on posting those," Jimin said quietly but in a way that got your head spinning. "Because that wouldn't do any good for anyone."

I rose my phone in the air. "People need to know about its existence!" I beseeched.

"And let hunters kill them?"

There was an awkward pause. "I was told to deliver the message: 'Yoon-gi is looking for you'." He reported. The hair on my body rose; he couldn't possibly know.

"So whats it to be?" Jimin maintaned.

"Post it for the world to see... or join me on keeping their existence a secret?"

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