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Akane p.o.v

I swung my legs against the wind, kicking the air behind me. My short hair fluttering around my shoulders as I sat on the tree branch. Wolves were similar to dogs. dogs chase cats. cats climb up trees. dogs can't climb. wolves can't climb. hybrids can climb. and I am a hybrid.

Taehyung is the alpha of Hiyogi Pack, he is a leader now, no longer a cub. I'm still Akane, Akane Kagari, princess of the Kagari pack. I'm tired of being last for everything, tired of having to wait. My brother Namjoon would have easily became alpha of the Kagari pack... if only Taehyung weren't alive.

Is he my saviour? Is he the reason that I still wait patiently for my time to come? Mother always told me to do whats best for the pack- but whats best for me? Being forced to love someone you grew up with and admired is hard, but growing to love them is easier.

If I became alpha, alpha of both the Kagari and Hiyogi pack, what's next for me?

"What you doing up there girl?" I heard a voice cry from beneath me. I peered down, my legs stopped swinging, as a guy around the same age as me smirked from down below. I raised my head out of snootiness.

"I'm not a girl, I'm a lady," I corrected. "and what I'm doing is none of your business." The guy smirked again, leaning against the tree I was on. My heart began to thump loudly in my chest as I gripped on tight to the branch I was perched on. "Oooh, your a feisty one," he jeered. "why don't you come down... I don't bite." And with that, he barred his teeth at me. His teeth were sharp, like the usual wolf hybrid type.

Reluctantly, I descended the tree and landed on the soft snow beneath my feet. "whats a girl like you doing in the forest all alone?" he breathed. His fingers lifted my chin up as his eyes came in level with mine. His eyes were soft deep brown but had a tint of mysterious blue that dimmed slightly.

"I told you, I'm a lady, not a girl," I scoffed. "My name is Akane, princess of the Kagari pack."

There was a slight flicker in the wolf's eyes as he stared deep into mine. "Pleasure to meet you, miss Akane," he addressed. "Yoongi." This time, my eyes flickered.

I had heard that name before; but I don't know where. I simply couldn't remember. Then it hit me. "Its you who attacked us!" I breathed, taking a step back.

He raised both of his arms. "I ain't here to pick a fight," he said, his eyes glowing. "I bumped into you by coincidence."

But despite what he was saying being true, I still kept my guard up.

"I thought princesses had responsibilities," he quipped.

"They do," I defended. Then I turned my head away. "But my brother has most of the big responsibilities, him being older and all."

"what a shame, I bet you must crave to get power," Yoongi continued. "Its like waiting for your turn that's never going to come- your never going to become an alpha."

A hot tear escaped my eyelids as I clenched my fists tight. "yes I will," I insisted. "I'm going to marry Kim Taehyung, alpha of the Hiyogi pack." Yoongi took a few paces away from me, the light in his eyes gleaming.

"Are you now?" he muttered. Then suddenly, his body was pressed against mine against the tree, and my heart was beating rapidly. Yoongi's face was in level with mine. "Do you love him?"

I turned my head away. "It's the only way..." I muttered but was broken off by Yoongi's warm hands which had made its way up my shirt and around my waist. I breathed out heavily.

"so your using him?"

"I wouldn't call it that," I assured, as his hands moved up my body slowly. "and besides, its whats best for the pack, isn't it?" Taehyung's mouth was beside my ear, I could feel his hot breath tickle my neck.

"even if he doesn't love you back?"

My eyes widened as I pushed Yoongi away from my body. I covered my stomach with my arms as if he had just punched me. I felt like bursting into tears, right there and then, but I couldn't show any weakness.

Taehyung didn't love me. He had used me; he had used me to fulfil his wants. I was a toy, used, abused and thrown away. He didn't love me, it was his inner wolf talking. Its what wolves say when he was in heat. But then, what about the things I said? Did I mean it? Did I love him back, or was it just mother nature forcing it upon us.

nobody's p.o.v

"Your beautiful," Yoongi smirked, wiping his chin as if it had gotten dirty. He took an advanced step forward; Akane took out her hand defensively. "Stay away..." she croaked. Yoongi's eyes flashed deep sea blue as he lifted Akane's defenceless chin and stared right into her deep brown eyes.

"or what?" he muttered to her. Akane's body gave in to Yoongi's words and hypnotising eyes. Her body became limp as her eyes turned into a midnight blue. Yoongi smirked, tucking a single strand of her hair behind her ear before slamming his mouth against her soft lips.


Ho-Seok drank the cool water from the riverside. It was peaceful all around him and he felt like nothing could ruin the harmony in the forest. The taste of burnt wood still lingered on his tongue and the smell of fire hinted in the air. Suddenly his heart skipped a beat and a sudden bad feeling of darkness loomed inside of him. His eyes flashed deep red as his ears swerved the forest.

His legs pounded past the trees, the wind kissing his fur before approaching a clearing in the woods. Ho-Seok transformed into a human before peering into the clearing in the forest. He saw Akane, that was the first person he saw; but then was absolutely horrified on what she was doing.

Akane was snogging another wolf hybrid and he seemed to be taking advantage of her body. he was disgusted. he was about to walk away- because why would he care about Akane's love life. Only he did care, because not only was he curious into who the other wolf was, but he had gained a crush on Akane. Ho-Seok turned back around, his eyes flashing, until his breath almost escaped him.

He had almost seen his face for a second, but he had recognised him by a mile away: Min Yoongi, prince of the Iko pack. Fury bubbled Ho-Seok's body as he watched Yoongi molest Akane's body. How was Akane allowing this to happen? Knowing her, she would have pushed him away and known that this wasn't right. Besides, wasn't she meant to be marrying Taehyung-kun?

"Hey!" Ho-Seok barked at them. Yoongi's head slowly lifted up before flashing his dep blue eyes at him. Ho-Seok took a hesitant step back but clenched his fists tight. "what do you think your doing with Akane?"

Yoongi smirked. "And what does it matter to you what happens to her, it's not like she's yours," he jeered, his teeth showing. Ho-Seok tittered and turned to Akane who didn't seem to be acknowledging his existence, "Akane, get away from him, he's dangerous!" Yoongi smirked again and turned to Akane.

"answer the omega then," he snarled at her. Ho-Seok growled softly. But Akane slowly turned her head and obediently answered, "I want to stay with Yoongi forever," she said mindlessly.

Ho-Seok was startled by this but then realised that Akane's eyes were an unusual sort of color. "What did you do to her!" he cried at Yoongi angrily. Yoongi snickered, his blue eyes flashing brightly.

"you want her..." he said. Then without warning Akane took a step forward and Yoongi but his sharp fangs to her neck. "Then fight for her." and with that, he clasped his teeth deep into her neck.

A/N: love bites vs mark bites

Love bites

~ bite isn't as deep as a mark bite

~ visible for a few days then disappears

~ red in color ( a bit like a bruise)

~ can be made by any wolf

Mark bites

~ bite is deeper than a love bite and more painful

~ usually is permanent and cannot be removed

~ purple-ish in color (a bit like a hickey)

~ can only be created by real love between wolves and its usually the male who makes the mark

Hopes that makes it a bit clearer ie. Taehyung got a love bite not a mark bite

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