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The white she-wolf was transformed into a beautiful fair skinned girl with short black shoulder-length hair. She wore a beautiful white knee dress with a white head band and her eyes were dark brown. Ho-Seok stared at her, mesmerized by her beauty.

"It's Kiyogi-san for you," she shot at Taehyung. "We're not on first name basis, not yet anyway."

Taehyung growled. "It's not what you think," he said, huffing at her. "What are you doing here anyway, aren't you meant to come tomorrow?"

Akane climbed up a tree and sat on a branch, dangling her legs playfully. "Well, I was meant to, but mother insisted on us coming a day early."

"You know what she's like."

Ho-Seok stepped forwards. "You've grown Akane-san, into a fine she-wolf," he eyed Akane thoughtfully. "Taehyung and I are still best friends after all these years."

"You didn't look like best friends a minute ago," said Akane. "You were acting like mere cubs fighting over raw meat."

Taehyung and Ho-Seok flushed deep pink. Akane had stepped into the fight to prevent them from doing any further harm to each other. For a She-wolf, Akane was twice as strong as normal she-wolfs, because she's the Princess of Kiyogi Hills. She inherited the power of her descendants and her parents, who were the alpha of their pack.

"What were you two fighting over anyway, it must have been important."

Taehyung said nothing.

"It was nothing, just a silly argument over power and strength," lied Ho-Seok. "So why are you here at Hyungi Hills?"

Akane's eyes flickered at Taehyung's, who looked away. "Didn't Taehyung tell you?" she muttered, glancing at Taehyung. Then she grinned happily.

"Taehyung and I are getting married."


Jinny: Your going to be in soo much trouble

Jimmieee: Shuddup

Jinny: :D LOL

Jimin pushed open his front door to the sound of running of running footsteps; his father stood in the doorway, his phone in his hand and shortly his brother came following leaning against the wall, texting on his phone.

"I was about to make posters," Ji-hyung smirked. "Imagine the likes I would get on Instagram!"

"Jimin where on earth were you?" his father snapped. "I called Jin's mother but she said Jin came home alone, and Jin is your only friend so-

"I have other friends you know," interrupted Jimin.

"Lies!" muttered Ji-hyung not taking his eyes off his phone. "I only ever see you with Jin, you haven't even gotten a girlfriend when you could have any-

"ji-hyung, please?" sighed their father. Ji-hyung shrugged his shoulders and marched upstairs to his room. "Now Jimin, I'm not mad, just tell me where you've been."

Jimin didn't hesitate "To my girlfriend's house," he said casually. His father stiffened.

"Jimin," he said through gritted teeth. "you have a girlfriend?"

Jimin nodded. "yeah," he went up the stairs. "I'll tell you next time if I ever happen to come home late again, I promise." He closed his bedroom door behind him. His brother Ji-hyung leaned against his wall and smirked. He looked up at Jimin.

"Tell me where you've REALLY been," Ji-hyung said.


"YOUR GETTING MARRIED!" yelled Ho-Seok in confusion and shock. "BUT YOUR STILL A CUB!"

"I'M 16 YOU IDIOT!" barked Taehyung. Then tittered. "It's not like I want to marry her anyway. My father told me it was time I started thinking bout the future, seeing as I would be the new alpha of the pack after the old man dies."

Akane hummed, swinging her legs. "They recommended me as an alpha queen for the pack. It would bring unity between both the Hyungi and Kiyogi Pack, I very much approve of this idea." Akane continued. She suddenly stopped swinging her legs. "But then again, we're only 16, it's a little demanding if I say so myself."

"And that's not even half of it," Taehyung grunted. "Father is thinking even further than that- he wants me to have an offspring."

Ho-Seok's face turned pale. "As in a baby cub?" he spluttered. "That will be the day."

"I quite fancy having an offspring," said Akane emotionlessly. She had leapt off the branch and was now on the ground forest.

"I dont."

"Shame it has to be of royal blood who can marry Akane," muttered Ho-Seok. "I would have gladly took your place."

Akane blushed crimson pink. "I told you, it's Kiyogi-san."

"Mother would be looking for me," she suddenly said quickly. "I have to go- you two should be going pack to the pack too, your father's probably furious." She motioned at Taehyung.

"Tell me a time he isn't," Taehyung muttered. He knew Akane was right, and they had to get back the pack. But something still lingered in his mind; Jimin.

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