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Jimin walked into school the next day with Jin nagging on beside him. He kept on poking him, asking him about what had happened at the forest and if he had seen any wolves, but Jimin denied seeing anything of the sort.

"It was a waste of time," Jimin lied. "There was nothing there but trees and bushes." Jin frowned at him.

"No wolves," he said, pouting. Then he slapped Jimin across the back. "See, what can I say, except I told you so!"

(Author Note: ^^ See what I've done here!)

Jimin shrugged half-heartedly. He didn't want to tell Jin about his encounter with the wolves- even though they were best friends. Jimin felt like he had to keep it a secret, or everyone would either call him a weirdo or go into the forest to find wolves themselves. Its not that he couldn't trust Jimin, but it felt nice knowing that it was only him who knew about the secret of the wolves. Well him and his brother that is.

His history teacher had moved on from the topic of Wolves, but for his assignment, he had to draw one. Jimin pondered at lunch time as he chewed the end of his pencil thoughtfully. He remembered the red wolf he had seen in the forests. He wanted to draw that one.

Jin peaked over his shoulders and glanced at Jimin's drawing. "Wow, your really taking this seriously," he muttered. Jimin had drawn an amazing picture of a red coated wolf with bright yellow eyes that looked like it was illuminating off the paper.

Jimin sighed as he examined his artwork. "You really think so?" he asked then started doubting. "I think the ear looks a bit too big here and the legs are a little off-

"Jimin, stop," interrupted Jin. "Your drawing is fine, in fact it looks so real that I'm convinced that you've seen an actual wolf."

Jimin stiffened. But Jin just chuckled and punched Jimin's arm lightly. "Come on, I was jokin. Wolves aren't real."


"Ma, what's a beta wolf?" asked Akane as her mother washed her dark hair. Her mother ran her fingers through the damp hair, massaging her scalp with her fingertips.

"A beta wolf?" she repeated. "Beta wolves are strong wolves who repeatedly challenge their alpha's to rule a pack." Akane nodded but didn't say anything. "Akane-chan, do you want to marry Taehyung-kun?" Akane hesitated before answering.

"I see Taehyung-kun as a second brother to me, but I must admit that I don't really see him in the way you think," Akane tried to explain. "I might start developing some feelings for him, but even if I did... Taehyung's heart doesn't seem interested in marrying me."

"I understand what you mean," Akane's mother agreed. Akane sighed and rested her head on her mother's shoulder.

"I just want what's best for the pack," she muttered.

They were interrupted by a sudden howl of wolves in the distant. Akane's mother jolted and Akane looked around wildly and confused.

"There's an attack on Hyungi Hills," she muttered.  Akane's face fell. "Akane stay here."

"But mother-

"Don't argue with me Akane," she growled. Akane got to her feet and transformed into a white wolf before darting into the woods.

Hyungi Hills is in trouble she thought as she raced past the thick trees Must find Taehyung! Must warn him on time!

Taehyung sat down on his favorite branch swinging his legs when he heard ruffling in the distance. He looked up to see a pack of wolves racing through the wolves towards Hyungi.

"Iko wolves," he muttered, before leaping off the  branch he was on. He then transformed into his red coated wolf and ran into the forest.

Meanwhile, Akane's mother reunited with the Hyungi pack and Kiyogi pack. There was panic as they all wondered what would become of them. Until someone suddenly shouted, "Where's the Prince!"

Panic increased as they wondered where the troublesome prince was. Ho-Seok muttered something under his breath. Namjoon heard.

"I agree, Taehyung probably knows about this and is heading straight towards them," he said quietly. Then added to himself. "Baka!"

"Well I'm not just going to stand here and wait for Taehyung to die, he's my best friend," Ho-seok said. He turned to Namjoon, "And your sister is probably fighting alongside him."


Taehyung was face to face with a pack of wolves with fur the color of a dark night. Taehyung growled them; they were from the Iko Pack.

The Iko pack was a group of wolves who tried to claim land which wasn't theres.

"Who is the leader of your pack?" He snarled at them. A larger black wolf stepped forward.

"I am Isiah, the Alpha of the Iko Pack," the wolf said. "We have business with-

The wolf said Taehyung's father name. Taehyung's eyes widened and growled at him.

"Your going to have to go through me first," he snarled again.

The wolf chuckled. "I ain't got time to waste on little omega's like you." Isiah turned to the pack behind him. "Yoongi, deal with the pathetic cub."

A golden brown wolf stepped forward. Its eyes glowed deep blue as it growled at Taehyung aggressively.

"Leave him with me father," Yoongi growled.

"I'll finish him off so that he won't ever see the light of day again."

Territory |JimV| (Wolf x Human)Where stories live. Discover now