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Akane P.o.v

Taehyung and I walked silently back to the pack. A gibbous moon was above us in the dark blue sky, and stars shimmered down at us. I felt my heart skip a beat and an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

No, not now. Please not now.

My palms became sweaty and my head started to heat up. I tried to keep up with the pace but found my steps sluggish and staggering, until I broke underneath the weight of my body and collapsed to the floor.

"Akane?" puzzled Taehyung, kneeling down beside me. He noticed how perspiration trickled down my neck. "Akane are you alright?"

But I couldn't answer. My throat had become tight and I was feeling dizzy and faint. Taehyung had no choice. He picked me up by his arms and carried me into the woods. The rocking motion made my stomach queasy and eventually, I shut my eyes.


My eyes fluttered open. Everything was a blur.

"Taehyung?" I muttered. A figure gazed down at me, but I couldn't make out who it was. I could hear voices.

"Is she going to be alright?" I heard a voice say. It was my mother... and she was with someone else that I didn't recognise.

"It's just pre-symptoms of adolescence," the other voice said. "She needs to stay hydrated and have plenty of rest. She should be as right as rain a few days."

I felt my mother's hands clasp around mine; I was going to be okay, wasn't I? I sat up from a bed of moss and rubbed my eyes.

"Mum?" I muttered, stretching my arms. My mother smiled at me. "Akane dear I'm here," she reassured. I looked around myself. "Where's Taehyung?" I asked, though I didn't really understand why I cared.

"He's waiting for you outside," she said. I tried to get up, but she pushed me down. "You need to rest Akane, and I think you should keep a distance from Taehyung." I sighed and slid back onto the nest. I realised that I had unconsciously transformed into my wolf form.

"Mum I don't remember what happened," I murmured. "I felt sick, like I was going to faint." I suddenly tipped to the side and vomited. My mother comforted me.

"You will get better soon," she reassured me. "Just rest."

Taehyung P.O.V

"I heard what happened with Akane," Ho-Seok jeered. "She's going into heat." I looked up from the ground.

"What do you mean? I thought she-wolves went into heat later?" I insisted. Ho-Seok smirked and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, unless they are an alpha, and Akane is royalty, she is technically an alpha."

I growled. "You could have told me this earlier," I muttered. "But I don't understand why she got sick." Ho-Seok rolled her eyes. "You really don't know anything cub," he sighed. I shot him a threatening look.

"Her body isn't use to the change so its normal for her body to act up," he explained. "A male's body is way more stronger and is able to handle it."

I bounced a ball on the ground as I thought deeply. "So Akane is in heat now?" I spluttered. "This is bad!" Ho-Seok gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "It is," he agreed.

"But I don't like her in that way at all!" I moaned. "In fact, I don't want to mate with ANYONE!"

I sulked besides the rock. I just had to control myself, didn't I? And I had to keep a distance from Akane, then I'll be fine. I wasn't going to mate with anyone!

Jimin p.o.v

"I'm telling you, wolves do exist!" a voice said behind me.
I listened closely as a guy a year below me started waving paper in the air.

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