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Jimin p.o.v

I stared in horror at the sight in front of me. My hands trembled and my mouth opened and shut with no sound coming out. Ji-hyung was caressing Jennie in the bath- shirtless and in a pink lacy bra. They both stared at me in shock.

I wanted to scream. I should've screamed. Not only was what I was seeing DISGUSTING, but it was just WRONG!

"Jimin..." muttered Jennie. Ji-hyung stood up quickly and tried to calm me down, but I shot away from him, snatching my phone from the side. 

"It's not what you think," he started. But I darted out of the bathroom and into my bedroom, slamming the door behind me. I hid underneath my bedcover, ignoring the knocks on my door. I could never look Ji-hyung in the eye... not after that.

I stayed in my room for the rest of the evening. My dad tried once asked me if I was okay, and I just said that I wasn't feeling well and had a headache. I guessed that Jennie and Ji-hyung were downstairs. I reached for my phone and scrolled on my contacts.

Me: U wont believe wht mess I walked into

Jin: eww, u walked into vomit. Bro, wipe ur shoes b4 coming over to my house

Me: what...no

Jin: Then what mess did u step on

Me: My brother and my cousin making out in the bathroom

Jin: wtf bro, that's incest

Me: It was disgusting, they were at each other's throats. I was going to be sick.

Jin: Don't step in it though, or you'll RLLY have to wipe your shoes.

Me: I'm locked up in my room. Can't face him now.

Jin: The awkwardness... good luck

I switched off my phone before sliding it into my pocket. Maybe if I just slept on it, I'd soon forget about it. I just had to avoid talking to Ji-hyung... or even being in the same room as him. Which was easy if I just stayed in my room for the rest of my life.

"Jimin, I know your in there," said a voice from the other side of my door. "Can we talk?"

I said nothing. Ji-hyung sighed and went into his room, giving up. It was going to be easy... wasn't it?

Akane P.o.v

I swung on the tree branch, throwing a ball into the distance, only for it to hurl back at me again. I caught it and then threw it back again.

"Watcha doing?" a voice said underneath me. The ball hurled towards me- I caught it in my other hand. I peered down to see Taehyung leaning against the tree.

"Playing ball," I said, throwing it into the distance again. It hurled back to me, only this time, not into my hand, but Taehyung's. "Thats the oldest trick in the book," I scoffed. I leapt off the bench. "What are you doing here? I thought you were in big trouble with your daddy."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "He doesn't tell me what to do," he scowled.

"Royalty can't do as they please Prince Taehyung," I smirked. "Surely you've learnt that by now."

Nobody's p.o.v

Taehyung threw the ball into the depths of the forest. "Is that a challenge?" he jeered. He transformed into his red coated wolf, so did Akane. Then they both charged deep into the forest, laughing and rolling in the depths of the grass. The ball lay on a patch of moss. They both eyed it steadily before leaping onto the ball and bumping into each other. They laughed and rolled in the moss, getting grass all over their fur but they didn't care.

Taehyung stared into Akane's brown eyes. Akane stared back. They're wet noses almost touching. They both transformed back into humans, their mouths inches apart. Suddenly, Taehyung's eyes snapped open and he darted away from Akane.

"I... I'm sorry," he stammered. He looked away. "I don't know what came over me."

Akane blushed and looked away. "Me neither..." she muttered. She picked up the ball and held it in the air triumphantly. "I won." Taehyung smirked.

They made their way back to the pack, where Ho-Seok and the other teen wolves came back from hunting.

"Look at the two love birds," Ho-seok snickered. "They're literally eye goggling each other."

Taehyung stuck his tongue out at him. Akane parted to go over to the she-wolves, and Taehyung went over to the male wolves. Both female and male wolves were separated in terms of feasting and rest but were allowed to negotiate in leisure.

"Admit it, you like her," Ho-Seok said, biting off a piece of meat from his raw leg. Taehyung looked up.


Ho-Seok rolled his eyes. "Akane, duh!" he chuckled. "You both probably went off somewhere to gaze at each other eyes and kiss at the sun-

Taehyung shoved a piece of meat into Ho-Seok's mouth before he could say anymore.

"You know the season is on it's way," Ho-Seok muttered, after he finished chewing. Taehyung stared at him curiousity.

"What season?" he questioned. Ho-Seok rolled his eyes again. "Mating season, duh." I spat out the meat from my mouth.

"Dude, why would you say that when I'm eating?" I spluttered. "Are you okay?"

Ho-Seok shrugged. "It's the truth," he said. "And you can't avoid it, we're wolves." He took another bite into his meat as Taehyung tried to forget what Ho-Seok had said. But he couldn't.

Mating season was the season when teen wolves hormones would shift and sexually mature. The she-wolves would be in heat for about a month, while the male wolves would start a little while before. Its a time to find a mate and mark your territory.. often ends in alot of fights.

"Do you think Akane will go for me?" Taehyung hissed to ho-Seok after the feast. Ho-Seok gave him a confusing look. "For mating season... do you think she will mate with me?"

"Well depends," Ho-Seok said. "But you really should be worrying more about yourself, alpha wolves tend to have twice the urge as beta and normal wolves."

"Beta wolves?" Taehyung puzzled. Ho-Seok sighed. "Beta wolves, your prone to them, being alpha and all. Wolves will challenge you for the heir and also for your mate... whoever you chose. Though most wolves go for the strongest or prettiest."

Taehyung nodded. "What about Omega's?" Ho-Seok hesitated before answering. "Well they aren't really a threat... when not in heat that is." Taehyung groaned to himself.

"Why do I get twice the pain?" he complained.

"A lot of females will want to mate you, and battle each other to be alpha queen... so I guess Akane gets pain too?" Ho-Seok tried to reassure him. But just made him feel worse. Then he remembered something and turned to Ho-Seok.

"Jin... who gets impregnated with the baby again?" he asked, although he pretty sure he knew the answer.

"The female usually," Ho-Seok articulated. "But if its in an alpha's case then it can be either. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

Ho-Seok shook his head. "Nothing," he said quickly. Then he yawned. "We should be getting some sleep." Taehyung nodded and transformed into his wolf form before curling up.

"Night V," Ho-Seok muttered.

"Night Jin," Taehyung responded.

Territory |JimV| (Wolf x Human)Where stories live. Discover now