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The sky was purple like the packet of a cadbury chocolate bar. An unusual color it was that day. The clouds were darkening as it floated across the sky.

"Its an unsual night today isn't it?" a dark haired guy remarked, looking up at the sky. His name was Jimin.

"Something's going to happen," a black haired guy said next to Jimin.

"Something bad," he added.

His name was Jin. Both Jimin and Jin were best friends and attended Hyungi high school located in the small town of Hyungi.

"Don't say that," said Jimin, lightly punching his best friends arm. "Or something bad will really happen."

Jin chuckled. "Come on, lets get home before it starts raining." The two friends started to walk down the road companionbly.


Taehyung tapped on the large rock in front of him in boredom.

"You know it's your fault," said a voice from behind him. He was tall and fair skinned and had brown hair. His name was Ho-seok and was Taehyung's best friend. Tae-hyung carried on tapping.

"You should have went hunting with the others," he continued. "Then I wouldn't be stuck here with you."

"I never asked for your company," Taehyung muttered. Ho-seok clenched his fists in irritation.

"IF I HAD A CHOICE I WOULDN'T BE HERE SULKING WITH YOU!" He cried at Taehyung. Then sighed. "Your father told me to-

"Yeah, yeah my father," Taehyung interrupted. There was a short silence.

"Your a prince, you know that right?"

Taehyung tittered. "No, I'm Taehyung," he corrected. "I ain't nobody's prince."

"More like prince charming," jeered Ho-seok. Taehyung stood up and reached out to lash out at him. But was blocked by Ho-seok's hand.

Taehyung growled in anger.

"Now don't you go growling at me like that you cub," teased Ho-seok. This made Taehyung angrier, to be called a cub was an insult to any wolf, especially a prince. He took a meaningful step forward but was interrupted by a presence.

"Prince!" Cried a voice from behind them. Taehyung paused and grunted.

"Don't call me that," Taehyung hissed at the messenger. The messenger nodded.

"Sorry Pri- I mean, what do you want me to call you then?"

"Taehyung, thats my name."

"I couldn't possibly," the messenger stammered.

"Just shut up and tell me what the old wolf man wants," Taehyung said impatiently.

The messenger coughed. "R...right, your to see him right away."

Taehyung tittered. Taehyung's father rarely spoke or spent time with his son so it was very rare when he was called. But Taehyung didn't care, he hated his father anyway.


Jimin layed flat on his stomach and stared up into his phone. He scrolled through instagram until something caught his eye.

Unusual sky

Scientists believe is paranormal

Jimin read the paragraph underneath the large font.

Tonight at 7pm, the sky was an unusual purple color. Scientists are unable to explain why this happened but think it is due to paranormal activity. The sky should return to its normal colour tomorrow morning.

Jimin sighed. Everything was unexplainable and that irritated him. He hated it, not having answers. His phone buzzed and a message from Jin popped up on the top of his screen.

Jinny: seen the news?

Jimmieee: couldn't miss it. I just read it on my phone.

Jimmy: U can read???

Jimmieee: shuddup

Territory |JimV| (Wolf x Human)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon