18 - Taehyung's Past; part I

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"He's a fine little cub!"

"Just look at those yellow eyes."

"He'll turn out to be a natural leader of the Hiyogi Pack"

The little cub blinked his innocent dimly lit eyes. His red fur glowing in the sunlit sky.

"What should we name him?" Said another

"I like the name Twilight."

"How about Hunter! He'll be a fine hunter one day-

The little cub didn't seem half interested in the names that they were coming up with.

"What about Prince Taehyung!"

The eyes of the little cub widened as he rolled over on the warm moss and growled softly at the name.

Taehyung, Prince of the Hiyogi Pack.

Time change

Little Taehyung sat on a rock throwing stones across the lake in front of him. The cubs played alongside him chasing each others tails and barking playfully but Taehyung ignored this.

"Think your too cool to play with us because your a prince?" A voice said behind him. Taehyung jumped a little before pushing himself of his rock and becoming face to face with a little cub.

He had black hair and brown eyes that sparkled. He was small but Taehyung guessed he was the same age as him.

"Yeah, and so what?" Said Taehyung, shrugging his shoulders. He picked up a rock and threw it into the lake. "I don't play with kids."

"And what makes you so special that your not a kid," the cub inquired.

"Duh," Taehyung remarked. "I'm a prince."

"A prince is a title," scoffed the cub. He picked up a stone and threw it into the water, skidding across the surface before creating a single ripple. "But you have to earn that title. Right now your acting like your better than everyone just because of your title. But you dont act much like a prince."

Taehyung's fists clenched tightly. He hated being told what he was but not what he is. He hated people who were right and knew he were wrong. But he was a prince- he couldn't be told what to do. Could he?

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

Taehyung cried, flinging his right arm outwards, slicing the air in between his fingers. The little cub made an 'x' with his arms, protecting his face, while skidding backwards and onto a tree.

"You don't know anything! Your just a small pathetic little cub who is just jealous because your weak and defenceless and... and-

"TAEHYUNG!" a voice roared behind him. Taehyung was startled by the sudden sound coming from behind him. He spun round to be facing a dark powerful figure, which had towered above him casting a shadow over his small body. "Father..." Taehyung muttered. The eyes of the alpha flashed as he took a cautious step forward before glancing over at the crippled body that lay before him whose face was in absolute terror. In a hurry, he scraped his feet and ran off towards the other cubs, leaving Taehyung alone.

"Taehyung what did I tell you about fighting!" his father hissed at him. "You don't use your power to hurt the ones your supposed to protect!"

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