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Jimin handed in his test paper to the teacher then sighed.

"I flunked that test!" He said, sinking into his seat. Jin sat behind him and smirked.

"Says you, teachers pet in every subject," Jin muttered. "You get extra marks for your name."

The door to the classroom opened and their history teacher stepped into the room. He was talking about how a long time ago, wolves used to tread in Hyungi.

"Wolves!" Spluttered Jin. "Yh right, if wolves existed many years ago, then so did the tooth fairy."

According to the tale, a young boy called Zac went deep into the forest. He was gone for a week and when he came back he said he was lost but then a wolf had found him and lead him back home.

Nobody believed his tale but soon after that, people claimed to have seen wolves themselves as they ventured into the forest. But nobody believed them.

"The wolves are still a mystery now," the history teacher said."and their existence still has not been confirmed."

"Wolves on Hyungi," said Jimin. "I'm interested."

"Interested in myths," Jin corrected. "There are no wolves on Hyungi, Jimin. If I see a wolf I don't know what I'll do."

After classes, Jimin and Jin sat on the bench eating lunch together. Jin had an egg sandwich and Jimin was sucking a popsicle.

"The forests are out of bound now, aren't they?" Asked Jimin. "I've asked my father about it many times but he tells me its forbidden."

"I wonder whats on the other side?" Pondered Jin aloud. He glanced at Jimin who was giving him a grin. "Don't you dare think about it Jimin!"

Jimin said nothing but carried on grinning. "Come on, a little peak won't do any harm." Jin sighed. "If your going, count me out. Im not looking for trouble."


Taehyung kicked the gravel with his foot before climbing up a tree and sitting on a branch. He swung his legs playfully.

"You look like a cub when you climb trees," said a voice from underneath him.

Taehyung glanced down from his branch. Ho-seok stared up at him.

"I told you to stop calling me that," he growled. "I'm 16 now."

A cub wolf is said to be from age 0-16 years. Taehyung being 16 is no longer a cub but a fully grown wolf. However him only having his 16th birthday yesterday, he still got called the occasional cub.

"Come on down!" Called Ho-seok. "The pack are ready to eat, we're waiting for you."

"Tell them to start without me," he grunted. "I'm not hungry."

Ho-seok shrugged and walked off, leaving Taehyung alone. Taehyung jumped from the ground landing on his feet and glanced behind him to see if anyone was around.

After making sure he was alone, his eyes turned deep yellow, and he transformed into a red coated wolf. Taehyung then galloped into the distance and disappeared into the woods.

Taehyung felt free when he was a wolf, like nobody could tell him who to be or what to do. He wasn't the Alpha Prince everybody told him he was. No, he was Taehyung. He slowed down now, reaching a clearing in the woods. He was at the edge now, and the grass was shorter and greener. Buildings loomed in the distance and Taehyung wondered what life was like on the other side.

Taehyungs father had forbid him from passing the line between the two worlds. Humans should never know the existence of wolves- or wolves would most likely go extinct or be hunted by humans. In the past, his father had said that some humans tried to lure wolves with raw meat, some were unfortunate and got killed.

Taehyung paced the boarders. He often came here to get away from the life of being a Prince, and he always dreamed of being a normal teenager.

Suddenly his ears pricked up. A tall figure from the top of the hills peered down at him. Jimin stared back into the wolf's eyes breathlessly. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Taehyung froze then turned back into the forest and ran.

Without hesitation, Jimin chased after him.


Territory |JimV| (Wolf x Human)Where stories live. Discover now