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Jimin stared over at the forest from the top of the hills. He sat down on top of the highest peak, on the green grass. He sighed as he remembered the wolf he had met.

Its golden yellow eyes that gleamed at him and the softness of its fur. Jimin wondered if the wolf had forgotten him... or if it even had a mind of its own to even remember. But the wolf made him feel warm inside, connected somehow.


Jimin froze. Surely he couldn't have dreamt that: the sound of the howl of a wolf. It was a wolf right? He was certan. Jimin looked around him to see if anyone nearby had heard the wolf but there was nobody in sight.


There it was again. Jimin stood up and stared over at the forest. He couldn't ignore it now, he had to see for himself... if what he had seen had been real.... or a friction of his imagination.


Taehyung growled at Yoongi as they circled each other in hatred.
Yoongi was the 2nd Prince of the Iko Pack; his older brother was to take the title of alpha. Yoongi thought that if he could prove himself to his father; he would change his mind. His eyes flashed at Taehyung: Even if that meant killing his own kind.

"How stupid to think a little omega like you could possibly beat me in a fight of brute strength," hissed Yoongi.
Taehyung tittered but said nothing as they continued to circle each other.

"I'm the 2nd Prince of the Iko Pack," Yoongi continued. "I could easily tear you apart here and now but... I want this to be fun."

Taehyung smirked. "You have a big ego for a prince," he said. "I'm almost starting to think your bluffing."

This did the trick. "I'll show you bluffing," Yoongi growled.

Author's V.O.
wolves have a type of magical power unique to the others. Their power defines them and depending on the inheritage or descendant some may have more than one.

It is most likely that the alpha and its spawns have more than one power and have stronger abilities than normal average wolves.

Abilities are those such as:
Enhanced speed, strength, scent, reflex

Some abilities that only alpha families may have are
Time manipulation
Mind manipulation

Magic is activated by the glow of eyes and can be physically seen as activated. Magic can be temporarily blocked by a superior wolf or even permanently taken away by a full moon ritual.

×Third P.O.V×

A nearby tree snapped in half and hurled towards Taehyung. Taehyung, in only moments, was able to dodge the attack causing the tree to ambush into the grass.

Yoongi growled and was about to attack again when he was interrupted by a magic blocker spell which caused his spell to deactivate. Taehyung was confused.
So was Yoongi.

A white furred wolf jumped out from the woods and growled at Yoongi in fury. Yoongi, both confused and feeling threatened, backed away slowly.

"Akane?" Taehyung muttered. "Why are you here, you should be-

"Hiding away and letting you die?" She interrupted. Then faced to turn Yoongi, before transforming into a human.

Yoongi shapeshifted into his human form and so did Taehyung. They all glared at each other spitefullty.

"Who the fuck are you!" Cried Yoongi approaching Akane aggressively. He stepped forward but Akane flung her hand out causing Yoongi to fall back.

Akane had used a nullification spell and was something she was quite skilled at.

"I'm Akane Kiyogi, princess of the Kiyogi pack," she said with proud before gleaming her eyes at Yoongi.

"I don't care if your the queen of The Sugarplum fairy- YOU INTERRUPTED OUR FIGHT!" He growled at her. But then smirked and took a step back. "But it would be too unmanly of me to attack a she-wolf, especially a princess."

Taehyung saw the gleam in Yoongi's eyes and tittered. "Stay away from her!" He snarled at him.

Yoongi laughed. "And why should I listen to a puny omega wolf? He's weak, useless and abando-

"Who said he was an omega?" Akane interrupted again. She then chuckled and turned to face Taehyung. "This wolf here is The Prince of Hyungi Hills and heir to the throne."

Yoongi was dumbfounded. All this time, he thought Taehyung was weak and worthless, but in reality he was a Prince like him and a heir to the throne. Taehyung had just been holding back. Taehyung smirked after his realisation.

"Thats right," he jeered, his eyes flashing deep yellow. "My name is Taehyung Hyungi- Prince of the Hyungi Hills and heir to the throne."

"And I'm going to protect my land, even if it kills me."

Territory |JimV| (Wolf x Human)Where stories live. Discover now