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Taehyung p.o.v

The snowflakes fell from the sky as it landed on the white blanket beneath my feet. I suddenly heard voices from the distance and my ears pricked up.

I recognised that voice... Jimin!

My legs darted through the forest until I was facing not one but TWO people. One was Jimin but the other was someone I didn't know.

He was smaller but had black hair and dark eyes. In one of his hands was a phone and it looked like Jimin was trying to persuade him to do something.

I didn't know how to approach them. As a human or as a wolf- but I didnt have the time to choose because they both turned and looked at me.

My ears flattened against my head. Should I stay or should I fled? Jimin immediatly recognised me but the other was startled.

"Its a wolf!" He cried. "Do something!"

Jimin sighed. "He wont harm you-

"So your giving them genders now?" He interrupted. "This is madness!"

The stranger waved his phone in the air. "I will show the world!" He cried out.

I suddenly realised what he was talking about. With the grim expression on Jimin's face, it made sense that on his phone was a picture or some sort of evidence of the wolves existence. And were about to be exposed!

"Jin stop- this is proving too much!" I heard Jimin cry. "Your not understanding what your putting at stake, a whole species of wolves."

"If you press that button," Jimin continued. "Your putting lives in danger."

I growled softly before trotting next to Jimin defensively. The stranger looked at me then Jimin, me then Jimin. Before slowly lowering his arm, his body trembling.

"The whole species of wolves would be destroyed?" He breathed. Jimin nodded slowly. The stranger fell to his knees, raising up his hands and dropping the phone to the floor.

Quickly, I darted and swiftly took the phone from the ground and into my mouth, before dropping it before Jimin's feet. "I'm sorry," the stranger sniffed. "I dont know what came over me."

Jimin smiled softly. "It's okay Jin, we all make mistakes." my eyes flickered as I watched Jimin help his friend up.

Jimin p.o.v

Jin wanted to go home but promised that he would explain the situation with Yoongi later. I stayed behind with Taehyung, as Jin left the forest.

"I'm sorry," I muttered quietly. "I didn't know it was going to end up like this- I had to say something, he was my best friend... I couldn't keep on lying to him!"

Taehyung transformed back into his human form; his eyes still glowing dimly. "Its okay," he said softly. Then he looked away into the distance. "we all make mistakes." I nodded slowly.

"How is it being alpha?" I almost teased. Taehyung chuckled, lightly punching my arm. "Its certainly interesting," he responded.

I smiled before turning to the tree behind me. "See this tree," I pointed. "This was the same tree that you showed me the sunset." Taehyung's eyes averted to the tree's long branches. I started to ascend the tree; Taehyung gave me a startled look.

"what on earth are you doing Jimin?" he cried from below. I reached up to grab a branch and pull myself up.

"climbing," I laughed, glancing down below. "what does it look like?"

Taehyung bit his lip anxiously. "Your going to fall!" he yelled.

"Stop worrying," I called back. "I'm not going to fa-

Suddenly my foot gave way to the branch it was on, and I slipped. I felt my body falling to the ground and landing to the coated snow floor heavily.

Nobody p.o.v

Taehyung scrambled into the snow, where Jimin's motionless body lay. Snowflakes fell onto his warm skin, melting almost immediately. Slowly, Taehyung began to shake Jimin awake, but his eyes remained closed. He turned his body around and felt his head; it was warm at touch. Taehyung watched as he saw Jimin lay on the ground peacefully; his eyes shut and lips parted, he could feel Jimin's heart beat, so he knew he was still alive.

He touched the outline of Jimin's lips; maybe if he breathed some air into him, he would wake up? That's what he had thought. It took Taehyung a few moments to take the courage to do it.

What's wrong with it Taehyung pondered He's a friend

Slowly, he lowered his head closer to Jimin's, his lips slightly parted and ready to blow into his mouth. Taehyung felt his heart thrash violently in his chest. His nose was now in line with Jimin's, Taehyung shut his eyes, before gently leaning in...

"What on earth are you doing?" Jimin spluttered, his eyes fluttering open. Taehyung's body shot back as he scrambled his arms and legs against a tree. Jimin slowly sat up and stretched; before giving Taehyung a confused look. "were you about to kiss me?" Jimin asked, his head tilting slightly.

Taehyung's face flushed deep pink. "I...I er... I thought you were dead..." he muttered. Jimin laughed. "I was only taking a little nap." He said, getting up from his slumber. Taehyung gave Jimin a confused look.

"You fell god knows how many feet to the ground... and you FELL ASLEEP!"

Jimin paused before shrugging, "I guess," he said. He saw the expression on Taehyung's face and burst out laughing. "It was a tiring day."

Taehyung sighed. "Yes, it really was," he muttered. Then turned to Jimin slowly. "Jimin, how do you know whether you love someone?" Jimin was startled by the question.

"I dont really know," Jimin answered. "I have never really fell in love."

"What? You've never dated!" Taehyung cried out in surprise. "Even with your good looks?"

Jimin paused, before raising up an eyebrow. "You think I'm good-looking?" he questioned. Taehyung's mouth opened and shut like a goldfish. "I didn't mean it like that!" he cried out, his face turning pink. "and I meant that loads of girls may think that your good looking."

Jimin chuckled softly. "I'm not really into girls," he aside. Taehyung looked up in confusion.



They both stood in silence for a few minutes until Jimin noticed something that made him curious and inclined to ask. "It looks like you got bitten," Jimin remarked, motioning to Taehyung's neck. "That must of hurt."

"love bites don't hurt," Taehyung murmured. Jimin looked up in confusion.



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