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The wood was dense and trees towered above Taehyung as he treaded on the dead leaves on the ground. Suddenly he looked up and paused. The forest was still, too still in fact. His ears twitched.

"Whose there?" He called out into the forest. There was no answer but a crack of a stick from a distance.


Taehyung sprinted through the forest, the wind stinging his cheeks. Someone was following him close behind. Suddenly, a wolf pounced at him from his left catching Taehyung off gaurd.

"Get off me!" Cried Taehyung in anger, clawing at the animal. The wolf leaped off him and took a few steps back before transforming into a tall dark figure.



The sky's back to normal
Jimin thought to himself as he stepped out the front door of his house.

"Jimin, wait for me!" Cried a voice from behind him. Jimin paused and left the door open behind him. He ran his fingers through his dark hair in forgetfulness.

"Ah, sorry Ji-hyung," he said apologetically, as his older brother stepped out the door beside him. Jimin's brother was as tall as him and had similar facial features. He was kind and thoughtful, always looking out for his little brother.

"The sky's back to normal," Ji-hyung muttered glancing up at the sky. Jimin nodded. They walked to school together in each others company and were greeted by many girls at the entrance of the school gates.

"Its Jimin, he's here!"

"Is that his older brother, he's so hot!"

Jimin smiled in embarrassment with no words to say. His brother nudged him playfully.

"Have to entertain the crowd," he muttered. Then looked at a group of girls and winked at them. They all whispered to each other.

Jimin rolled his eyes and pushed past the girls to see Jin trying to chat up a girl. He walked over to them and grinned.

"And this is my best friend, Jimin," Jin said, pointing at Jimin.

The girl's eyes dazzled as she eyed Jimin. She smirked.

"So your the famous Jimin," she purred. "I've heard all about you."

"I'm not all that special," Jimin sighed uneasily. "Jin and I have class right now, maybe I'll see you around?"

She waved flirtatiously at Jimin before turning to her group of girls who stared jealously at her. Jimin sighed in relief but Jin frowned.

"How come you get all the girls," Jin scowled. Jimin looked blankly at Jin. "Don't act all innocent now."

"Its not my fault I'm more charming than you," teased Jimin, nudging his best friend.

"Oh Shuddup, we all know that I'm the prince charming here," said Jin.

Jimin chuckled as they walked into their home class. "If I ever meet a prince, I'll let you know."


Taehyung growled at his father. "I dont want to be the prince you've always wanted me to be!"

"And I ain't no prince either."

Taehyung's father sighed as he leaned against a tree. "Taehyung, why didn't you go hunting with the others?" He asked as calmly as he could.

"I don't like hunting, all the blood and the gore," Taehyung replied. "Nothing exciting ever happens here, just the same boring cycle over and over-

"One day your going to need a wife," interrupted his father. Taehyung froze. He craned his neck and stared up at his father, his eyes flashing deep yellow.

"I'm not getting married!" He spluttered.

"But when I die, you will be the new alpha and you need an alpha queen," explained Taehyung's dad. "And soon enough a cub of your own."

Taehyung turned away. He hated the future his father kept on rambling to him. About having kids and a wife... he didn't want a wife and he certainly didn't want a cub. Taehyung thought that him being a Prince was a curse. He hated it.

"I've arranged for you to meet Akane-san tomorrow," continued his father.

"Akane... as in that spoilt she-wolf!" Spat Taehyung. "I can't stand her!"

Taehyung's father sighed. "We have no choice. I would have preferred if you were the one to choose your wife but we're running out of time."

Taehyung tittered. "Whatever," he muttered. "I'll go see the she-wolf, not making any promises though."

And with that, he turned away into the woods.

Territory |JimV| (Wolf x Human)Where stories live. Discover now