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Jimin P.O.V

I hadn't seen Ji-hyung in weeks. Well, I had... but not actually spoken to him. He tries to speak to me, but I often just pretend he's not there or stare right through him. I still can't face him- not after what happened with Jennie.

I hadn't been in the forest for weeks too- or seen Taehyung. That guy Taehyung gave me a weird vibe. Like there's something about him that made my spine crawl. I didn't know where he lived, so I couldn't ask to visit him. And I didn't have his number, so I couldn't text him.

Sighing, I shrugged on my backpack and opened my bedroom door. I flew down the stairs and picked up the spare house keys on the table, I couldn't risk opening the door to Ji-hyung.

"Going for a walk!" I called into the house, before opening the door. I was face to face with Ji-hyung. Ji-hyung stared at me, but I looked away and stepped around him only to be hung back by my sleeve.

"Jimin I-

"let go of me!" I cried, tearing away from his grasp and darting down the streets. I raced all the way past the roads and up the hill, slowing down at the peak. The forest lay quietly as it always had done and I charged towards it.

Tall trees towered me and long wavy grass licked my shoes. I reached up and climbed a tree, prodding on a sturdy branch. The view from the branch was breath-taking, the sun setting on the horizon. It reminded me of the first time I met Taehyung.

I wondered if he had seen any other wolves other than the one we saw together in the woods. The big black one which Taehyung chased away. I imagined being a wolf... what it would be like to be ten times faster, ten times stronger, ten times smarter...

"Hey, what you doing up there?"

I jumped and wobbled off the branch, tumbling down at the grass below... only to topple on top of someone.

Taehyung P.o.v

My body ached, as it was suppressed by a heavy figure on top of me. I groaned in agony and tried to move my hand.

"Get off me!" I cried. The figure shifted and lifted it's head. It was Jimin! His face was inches away from mine as I stared into his deep brown eyes. I felt my face flush and my heart thudded violently in my chest.

"Er... Tae..." Jimin faltered. I realised that i had been gawping at him for the past few minutes and hurriedly pushed him away, shrinking against the tree.

"What are you doing in the woods?" I asked. Jimin rubbed his head and stood up, helping me to my feet as well.

"I was bored," he muttered. Then he pointed at me. "What were YOU doing in the woods?" My heart skipped a beat as I tried to think up of an excuse.

"I...er..." I stammered. "Was taking a walk." There was an awkward silence between us and then Jimin looked away and muttered in embarrassment.

"Fancy us both taking a walk at the same time," Jimin smiled. "I was certain I was never going to see you again."

I couldn't tell him that I was actually hiding away from Akane because I didn't want to fall in heat around her. Instead, I nodded and sat on the grass. I had to learn to control myself... wolf or no wolf.

"Tae... can I trust you with something?"

I craned my head to look at Jimin. He looked serious and was looking down at the floor. I sat beside him and listened intently. Jimin took a deep breath.

"Say... you had a brother and you saw him get together with your cousin..." he started. "What would you do?"

I stared at him. How was I meant to answer that? "I don't see the problem..." I said quietly. Jimin stared at me as if I had told him i was going to dance around naked.

"It's wrong!" Jimin spluttered. "It's like your brother and sister having sex!"

"sex?" I repeated. Jimin raised an eyebrow. "You do know what sex means right..."

Slowly, I shook my head. Jimin stared at me as if I was a ghost. "It's when the female and male love each other very much and-

"Ohhhh, you mean mating," I corrected. This time Jimin was the one who looked confused.

"Mating is a term usually used in animals..." he started. "But I guess it means the same thing."

I almost slapped myself. How was I to know that humans used a different word than wolf hybrids? I also guessed that humans thought that mating with someone you related to was wrong; whereas as a wolf, it isn't uncommon but it is looked down upon.

"I guess... you could talk it out?" I suggested. I held my breath, not wanting Jimin to become suspicious again. But he didn't. Instead he sighed.

"I tried," he mumbled. "Well, it would be awkward- you know." I DIDN'T know, but I couldn't say that. Luckily I didn't have to remember because Jimin said how he shouldn't be worrying me with his burdens.

"Have you seen any wolves lately?" Jimin wondered. I shook my head. "No, not at all," I muttered.

I wanted to tell him: that I was a wolf. I didn't want to keep secrets for him, not anymore. But could I risk exposing my secret... for the sake of all of us wolves? I was sure he'd keep it a secret.

"Jimin I need to tell you something," I started. Jimin looked up in interest. "The truth is... I... I'm a... I'm a wo-

"Taehyung!" cried a voice from the woods. I froze. "Taehyung where are you? Ho-Seok told me you were hiding in the woods but he wouldn't tell me why!"

I growled to myself. That was probably Ho-Seok! But right now, I was worrying about Jimin who looked confused and shocked.

"Whose Ho-Seok?" he asked me. But I didn't have time to explain when Akane stepped forward into the clearing. Jimin stared at Akane. Its not like he could help it; Akane was really beautiful. Akane stared back at Jimin, but in confusion and fear.

"Taehyung...whose that?" she quavered, taking another step forward. "Is he a human? Taehyung you know the rules about humans."

Jimin sensed confusion and fear between us and I tried to reassure him.

"Jimin this is Akane," I introduced. "Akane, this is Jimin... he's my friend." Akane didn't seem confused. She twitched her nose.

"He smells like a human," she muttered. She turned to me looking for answers. "Taehyung what is going on? Why is he here?"

Jimin stepped next to Taehyung to defend himself. Akane shot out her hand, casting a nullification spell. It sent Jimin flying backwards onto the grass.

"Stay away from him," she hissed. "Taehyung? You have some explaining to do... or do you want to answer to the pack?"

"The... pack?" Jimin repeated. Then turned to Akane. "What did you just do to me right now? How did I fly back like that?"

"Taehyung! Your going to be in so much trouble once your father finds out that you-

"Only he won't find out will he?" I interrupted, my eyes glowing. Akane gulped but still held firm.

"This is wrong Taehyung, he's a human, you can't trust him!" Akane cried. "He will expose us all!"

Silently, I walked up to Akane, our noses almost touching that she blushed furiously. I lifted her chin so that her eyes met mine. My eyes glowed a deep yellow and I felt such power rush through my veins.

"Do you trust me?" I proclaimed.

Territory |JimV| (Wolf x Human)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora