Chapter 56

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I'm still smiling like an idiot here under the sheets. I can't forget her face and the way she smiles to me and her eyes that only focuses to me when she's singing to me. I know I'm acting like a teenager but it's really heart fluttering when she did that. I bit my lip as I saw how she's so flustered when she sat beside me after she sang. I remember them teasing her while she's just covering her face. I was just smiling that time while she cat look at me in the eye.

I bury my face on my pillow and silently screamed. Thank God Chaeng is still taking a bath. I then sat up and fix myself. Mina, get a hold of yourself! I then heard footsteps. I look at her and then she smiled. I unconsciously smiled too and now we're just staring at each other while she's drying her hair. I realized what I'm doing and look away. I saw her on my peripheral vision that she walked to her bed.

"Can you help me?" I heard her asked. I look at her and she's smiling.

"You're old enough to do that." I said monotone. Her mouth automatically pursed and her shoulders fall down.

"I'm helping you to do romantic stuff with me." She said sulking. I smiled but roll my eyes.

"I'm tired, go do it yourself..." I said and lay down. I put the blanket up and giggle as I heard her mumblings.

"Yah Mina!" I waved my hand, bidding my goodbye to her. I smile and close my eyes.

Okay...I'm still awake and the lights are off. I want to sleep beside her but I think she's already asleep. I hug my pillow and glanced at her. She's asleep...I sat and now contemplating if I should just sneak in beside her. Yeah maybe I can just do that. I don't know what's on me right now that I feel like being cuddled...

I get up and silently walked to her bed. I lean forward and saw her sleeping. I'm sure she's asleep cause her mouth is slightly opened. I smiled and put her blanket up and sit. I lie down slowly and face her. I smile and then close my eyes. I'm not gonna wake her up.

I woke up feeling something heavy behind me. I also feel someone hugging me. I open my eyes and look at my back. I saw Chaeng spooning me with her face on my neck. I automatically smiles and peck her head. I hug her arm that's around my waist and then, I felt her peck my neck. It sent shivers down my spine that made froze.

"Oh, sorry..." I heard Chaeng said softly. She leaned to look at me and I saw her worried face.

"You're taking advantage." I said and glared. She then chuckled and lay down again. I her tighten the hug so I can't help but smile.

"I really love it when you sang earlier..." I said and pat her arm. She hummed thank you to me.

"Still sleepy?" I asked and felt her nodded. I smile also nodded.

"Go on and sleep...I'll just pack our bag-" I feel her tighten the hug and shakes her head.

"Stay here...I love your scent..." She said and buries her head on my neck more. My smile grew more and nodded. We stayed like that and I'm guessing she fell asleep. I just look around, thinking of us, of what will happen after this. We're back together, basically girlfriends. We're old now and this time I really want to work this out. I don't want anyone else, just her.

I think its better that were exes, cause now we know how the other one thinks, do things and what are we as a lover. I know we can work this out, we love each other and we learn from our mistakes from the past. We will understand and trust each other more. We will love each other more until one of us needs to go, until of us dies.

Tonight (MiChaeng) ✓ حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن