Chapter 4

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"Mina, wake up we're here." I called her and slightly tap her shoulders. 

"Mhmm..." She hummed while rubbing her eyes. 'She's like a baby, so cute!' I'm staring at her while smiling but she notices me doing that so she quickly looks away but I think I saw her blushing. 

"What do you mean we're here?" She asked me, looking outside. I'm still staring at her and I know she knows it because she tries so hard not to look at my direction. 

"Seoul, we're here now, after a 10 hour drive, you slept for 4 hours." I said and chuckled. She finally looked at me and faintly blushed. She then looks at me sorry.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to-." I cut her off.

"Forgiven, now, where do you live? So I can take you home." I said and looked at her while my head was resting on my left hand on the steering wheel. She then told me where she lives so I started to drive again. 

"Before I take you home we're going to eat breakfast, okay? I'm hungry and I guess you as well." I said and glanced at her, she just nodded.

"By the way, I've been waiting to ask you this... But why are you in the middle of nowhere?" I ask and glance at her. She looks at me and gives me an awkward smile. 

"Uhmm... It's not important-" I cut her off.

"What? Of course it's important." I said and chuckled. She gave me an uneasy look and heaved a sigh.

"I...I lost at the game and the punishment is they will put me in the middle of nowhere and come back to me the next day. My plan was to look for a place to stay but you said that there is just a nearby gas station there and you offered me a ride so I took it. I was just going to stay at the gas station... but things happened so I decided to let you take me home." She said while fidgeting with her fingers. 

"You lost the game to whom?" I asked with a slight curious tone and glanced at her. 

"My best friends...why?" She asks and look at me.

"Best friends do that? That's a weird friendship you've got there." I said and chuckled. 

"No it's not what you think. They're my great friends; we do those kind things to be independent. We were childhood friends and since then the three of us can't be separated until now. We were always together to the point that we can't do things without each other." She said and glanced at me, I did the same while she continued to talk.

"So every month we will always play a game and the punishment is like that, doing things on your own. There's this one time where Momo went to the beach on her own without contacting us or her parents, just her figuring things out, she told us there are like 5 times where she got lost and didn't know what to do. Thank God the staff and guards are there to guide her, it was hilarious. There's also this time where we go to the bar and ask Sana to flirt with someone there, and she did that with a guy but the guy has a girlfriend and we were so embarrassed and have to apologize to the couple and just made excuses so they can leave us. It's terrifying and we never go back to any bar again, it's traumatic." She said while shaking her head and laughing.

"So...I guess putting you in the middle of nowhere is not just your punishment? Perhaps find a new friend" I said and glanced at her, I saw her blushed.

"Yah! They said find a new friend not love, I'm not that desperate." She said and hit my arm that made me chuckle. 'Defensive Mina...I see' 

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