Chapter 24

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"Care to tell me why your eyes were swollen?" Chaeng asked me while caressing my hair. I was hugging her while my head was on her chest. We were lying in my bed and were ready to sleep when she asked that. I sighed and started.

"Momo and Sana were not on good terms right now. And I just know what the reason is earlier. It's shocking for me but I don't know about you." I said and looked at her.

"Tell me then..." She said. 

"Uhmm...I don't know if I should be the one to say it or not..." I said whispering then sighed. 

"My mouth is sealed..." She said so I looked at her. She zips her mouth and nods her head. I sighed and leaned on her chest again. 

"Sana has feelings for Dahyun...But you know that Dahyun likes Momo and that they were dating for the past month...But Momo...she doesn't love Dahyun back or even develop feelings...Things got messed up and now they were all hurts me seeing them like that, they were always cheerful and playful to each other. So when I noticed that they were distant, I already knew something happened..." I finished and hugged her tight. She hugged me back then kissed my crown. 

"I kind of noticed that too, but try not to pry because it's not my business. I know they will fix it, let's just trust them." She said and rubbed my back. I nod and turn to peck her lips. I giggled at how shocked she looked. 

"Goodnight!" I said then buried my face on her neck. 

"Yah're really becoming bolder these days...I like that..." She said then pulled me to kiss my crown again. I blushed at her words then hugged her tight. 

"Goodnight my angel...I love you..." She said caressing my waist.

"I love you too..." I said back then we fell asleep.


I woke up and instantly smiled. I saw Chaeng on my side with my mouth open. I closed it and giggled. 'She's always like that when sleeping, so cute!' I patted her stomach lightly and was ready to get up when she tightened her hold to my waist. She groaned and pulled me closer. I giggled and pushed her away. 

"I'm gonna cook breakfast ok? Sleep more..." I said then peck her cheeks. I get up and go downstairs. After I washed myself, I started cooking. In the middle of my cooking I heard faint footsteps. I ignored her and continued cooking. A pair of hands slid through my waist and hugged me, I instantly blushed and smiled. 

"I've been wanting to do this cliché move to you..." She said against my bare shoulder and kissed it. I turned to her and smiled. 

"Then I'm happy to announce that you can do it every time you want it..." I said giggling. She let go of the hug and looked at me from head to toe. 

"You really look so sexy in that nightie...such a meal..." She said huskily that made me blushed.

"Aish Son Chaeyoung!, Stop flirting around and just wait for the food!" I said shaking my head and turned around. 

"I'm saying the truth...Myoui Mina." She said chuckling. She grabbed my sides and sniffed my bare shoulder. She kissed it and I felt her lips curved up. I leaned back to her and smiled. I'm enjoying this kind of moment, this feeling of happiness when I'm with her, it's euphoric. I closed my eyes and grabbed her hand that's on my waist and wrapped it around me. I heard her chuckled then she pulled me closer. 

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