Chapter 11

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Chaeyoung washed her hair again because it got dry. I changed my shorts into a comfy one and also the hoodie to a loose shirt, they said it will look good for the scene. Chaeyoung's clothes are still like that. We look so comfy and I think that is the concept look. After we got retouched we got the bathroom to start the scene.

"Wait, I don't know what to do." I said and looked at Chaeyoung. She gave me a reassuring smile.

"Just do what unnie told you earlier but now show more emotion and just do it naturally." She said and I just nodded. This time she didn't tell us specifically of what we are going to do so I don't know what will happen. 

I walked in with a towel in my hand and saw Chaeyoung running her hands on her hair and shaking it as if drying it. 'She's really hot.' I put my towel on her head and rubbed it while smiling. She faced me and smiled at me.

"You should dry your hair." I said looking at her hair and drying it. 

"Then help me." She said and suddenly lifted me and put me on the countertop. I was shocked, and I think my eyes went wide. She smiled at me and guided my hand to dry her hair again. 'She's in between me by the way, IN BETWEEN ME! My god I don't know what to feel!' After I screamed at my head, I got back to myself and dried her hair again. Then she wrapped her hands around my waist. I was shocked again by her actions so I stopped drying her hair. She's smiling at me victoriously so I stared at her.

"Why are you being playful?" I asked and just naturally put my arm around her neck and gently caressed her hair. I playfully squinted my eyes. 

"Am I?" She asked and pulled me closer. I blushed and she scrunched her nose, I playfully hit her shoulder and pushed her. But she just kissed the tip of my nose and smiled at me. After she did that I blushed and smiled. I pick up the towel and continue to dry her hair. We're just staring at each other as if it's our way of communicating. And the smiles on our faces can't be taken away because of how happy we are. 

Once I heard Jihyo unnie shouted "cut!" I put the towel to my face to hide my blushing face. Chaeyoung's arms still wrapped around me and now I heard squeals.

"Yah!! That was so good. It's very cute, sweet and hot!!!" Nayeon unnie said and squealed. I lift my head to see them, they are giving me the looks, and then I met Chaeyoung's eyes, they looked so happy and sparkling. She lifts me up to put me down then she gets the towel and dries her own hair. 

"That's smooth cub." Jeongyeon unnie said and ruffled Chaeyoung's hair; the latter just chuckled and stared at me.

"Yah!! Our cub is really good at this; you're really playful...and romantic at the same time." Dahyun said and they laughed while I'm here embarrassed of what I did. 

"Wait...aren't you gonna praise Mina too, for being...bold." said Momo while wiggling her eyebrows and did what I did to Sana's hair. I glared at them, which made them laugh more.

"What you did was good my angel, but try to tug it next time." She said and winked at me. I hit her arm and rolled my eyes but was still blushing. 


After the 9 hours of shooting, finally we're done. We removed the make ups and changed our clothes to what we wore earlier before we shot. But I changed mine into denim shorts and an oversized shirt, I want to feel comfortable.

We're lying here on the couch, all of us exhausted but the 4 are not here. Then we heard the front door open. Chaeyoung and her friends walk in with food. 

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