Chapter 28

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I woke up and felt my side was empty. I rubbed my eyes and sat. I looked around but did not see Chaeyoung. I leave the room and go to the kitchen. I instantly smelled pancakes and the aroma of hot chocolate. I saw Chaeyoung's back wearing an apron in a muscle sleeve, have I told you that she really looks hot in those. 'God!, her biceps!, It looks more defined when she moves...' I bit my lip leaning on the wall. I watched her move, especially those yummy biceps. 'I wonder how it feels like to touch it, it looks...hard...' I was too drowned watching and fantasizing her that I didn't notice that her body was facing me and she's staring at me. She's smirking at me while leaning forward and hands at the side of the countertop. 

"Done fantasizing?" She asked with a smirk that made me freeze. I blushed and was about to defend myself but something got stuck in my mouth. She laughed and just gestured to me to sit. I just followed her, embarrassed.

"I already caught you, don't try to deny it." She said as she placed the food. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. 

"I'm not planning to, so don't be too full on yourself." I lied and flipped my hair. 

"So you're admitting it?" She asked teasingly.

"Neither confirms nor denies it..." I said and started to eat. 

"You're unbelievable!" She said laughing. I ignored her and just ate. 

"Just admit that you want this biceps and especially to touch it..." She said in a matter of fact tone that made me choke. She laughed while giving me water. I drank it then glared at her after. 

"I don't and besides, I also have those and even toned abs." I said pointing at my arms and stomach. She shook her head in disagreement and started to eat. 

"I also have those Mina...don't underestimate me..." She said like a warning. Now it's my turn to laugh. 

"I doubt it, I don't even know if you can lift weights because of your height." I said laughing while she just shakes her head.

"It's offending but I'll let it slide since you were drooling at me earlier." She said. I rolled my eyes in return. 

I was done eating so I put the dishes to the sink. Throughout our eating she didn't talk nor look at me. I turned and saw her also standing up and putting her plates to the sink. She still didn't glance at me so I built up my courage and spoke...

"Let me see..." I said that made her look at me with furrowed eyebrows. 

"If you really have I can take back what I said..." I added and blushed. 'She told me I offended her, so maybe that's the reason why she didn't talk or even glanced at me earlier. Maybe I hurt her feelings again.' Her expression didn't change but she moved towards me. She grabbed my right hand and put it under her shirt. My eyes went wide and when I looked at her she's smirking. My face heats up as she starts to guide my hand on her stomach. I felt how hard it was and defined; her hand was on top of mine and guided it down to her abdomen. I gulped as I felt the garter of her shorts. My whole body starts to heat up and I don't think I can resist the temptation to kiss her. I shook the thought and looked away. 

"Oh!, It's-you have...really...nice's VERY hard...and toned...I...I'm speechless..." I said stuttering with a very red face. I was about to pull it out when she grabbed it and slide it through her shoulder. My eyes went wide as I saw her toned and mouth water dripping abs. It's a bit sweaty that's added to its sexiness. She guided my left hand to her shoulder and that's when I noticed her black bra. I gulped as I saw her almost, naked top. 'God she's smoking hot.' My breath hitched when she pulled me closer. She held my left cheek while her left hand was on my waist, supporting me. She leaned forward looking at my lips. I can't process what is happening and my heart is beating so fast. But like she cast a spell on me, I also leaned forward with my eyes closed, meeting her plump and luscious lips. 

Tonight (MiChaeng) ✓ Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz