Chapter 2

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I stop in front of her; her hands are up as if blocking me. I looked her straight in the eye with a smile on my face and said, "Let's get to know each other... in the car, while I'm driving. Because my angel a day is not enough if you want to know me, and I guess the same to you. But if you want we can stay here for nights and days, until we starve to death just so we know each other. You choose." I said while now smirking and moving my face inch by inch. She looked at me with wide eyes and eventually turned into a frown. 

I wink at her and smile revealing my dimple. She pushes me away and walks past me. I chuckle and look at the stars. 'My angel', l must be crazy for saying that. 

"Hey, aren't you going in!?" Mina said with her head popping through the window of the car with her brows creased.

"Yes, ma'am!" I said and started walking while still chuckling.

I get in the car and look at her; still she has that frown on her brows. I just sigh and put on my seat belt. I was about to start the engine when I noticed that she's not buckled up and just there looking outside. I lean on her and...shocked by what she did...

Yeah she slapped me...Seriously what's wrong with this girl? I look at her with wide eyes and her as well. My left cheek is burning hot, I look at her feeling that any minute now I'm gonna explode. 

"What is that for?" I said controlling my anger. She just looked at me with a frustrated expression and said. 

"I thought you were going to do touching me..." She said and turned her head away from me.

"Seriously you thought I'm going to kiss you...or touch you? I'm not that pervert and I'm just going to put your seat belt on for Pete sake Mina." I said but still put her seat belt. She flinched, I guess because of my sudden action. 

"And if I'm going to do those things, I will need your consent." I said and got back to my seat. I look at her and now she's looking outside. I tried to look at her face and saw a blushing cheek of hers. I just sigh and start to drive.


While driving, I heard a grumble of my stomach. I look at her as she holds her stomach and hears that she's silently cursing. I guess because of embarrassment. I stop the car and get out then open my trunk and look for something to eat. Luckily I found this pack of choco pie, snacks and a carton of milk. 'How convenient.'

"Why do I have these?" I mumbled to myself. Suddenly I remembered Dahyun told me to buy these and bring it to her. But that was yesterday-oh well I'm just gonna buy her again. I get back to the car after I close the trunk. 'I think she made me buy this because she knows what I will do today that is now not gonna happen because I met this girl.'

"Here, I know it's not heavy but it will lessen your hunger." I said handing her the food.

"No, I'm fine." She said and shook her head along with her hands.

"Mina just take it, I don't wanna hear your stomach asking for food." I said and chuckled. She, I think, blushes from embarrassment and then takes the food. 

"You...should eat too." She said and unwrapped the choco pie. I looked at her because I didn't hear it well. 

"What?" I ask her, her voice is so soft that it's hard to hear what she's saying. She looked at me and put the choco pie close to my mouth. 

"You should eat too, it's yours." She said that made me chuckle from her cute gesture. 'cute.' 

"It's okay Mina, go eat first I'm not that hungry and besides I think that's not enough for you." I said and smiled at her and that made her kind of offended. I quickly defended myself.

"I mean, I think that you are really hungry because it's 2:00 am and I know the usual dinner time is around 8:00, so you must be really hungry. I didn't mean to offend you. And I'm trying to make you feel comfortable...with me, by joking... I guess that didn't work..." I explained and scratched my nape out of embarrassment.

"Oh my bad, I just thought you're making fun of me...Thanks for making me feel comfortable despite what I did." She said and took a bite of that choco pie.

"No, it's my bad too. I know you did that because it's a natural sense... if someone tries to do that. Sorry." I said while scratching my nape. 

"Forgiven..." She said and when I looked at her she smiled at me, the first time since I met her. She smiled revealing her gums. 'Gummy smile? so cute!' I smiled at her too revealing my dimple. Guess this is the start of getting comfortable with each other...well I hope so...


"Where should I put these?" Mina asks while my eyes still focus on the road. I glanced at her and saw that she's holding the 3 wrappers of choco pie and an empty snack. I chuckled a bit as I saw that she ate a lot. 

"Just put it inside that plastic; let's just throw it later once we reach the gasoline station." I said and she did what I said.

"Why are you laughing?" I glanced at her and chuckled again, which made her frowned more.

"I told you that those foods are not enough-" I was cut off when I received a hard slap on my right shoulder. I look at her with wide eyes again.

"Ouch... you're such a sadist!." I exclaimed slightly pissed but then I chuckled while shaking my head... teasing her. She just crossed her arms and pouted. 'that's illegal...' 

"Don't do that, it's making me guilty..." I said but still laughed and put my left arm against the window of the car and leaned while my right hand to the steering wheel driving. I look at her and she's still pouting. 

"Go sleep Mina; we still have a 3 hour drive to go." I said, glancing at her. She looked at me but when she saw that I'm looking at her, she rolled her eyes and faced the other direction. She leaned against the window and slept. I chuckled once again but focus on the road trying my best not to sleep. 


'Is she the reason that I'm looking for?, is she the reason that will bring me back to life again? Is she the one who will bring the old me and will make me happy again?. Please let it be her, let it be Myoui Mina...'

'Because she's making me feel these things again...these things that I never felt after I experienced's making me feel alive, this new thing...being with her even with the short period of time, teasing her, and taking care of her. Since I met her earlier I felt that I want to take care of her and do good things for her. This is driving me crazy...'

"You're driving me crazy...Mina" I said while looking at her. 

She's sleeping and hugging herself. I stopped the car and took off my hoodie. 'Seriously? Why is she in the middle of nowhere wearing those thin clothes, this girl, really!' I put my hoodie on top of her to cover her trying to ease the cold she's feeling. I looked at her and saw the strands of her hair covering her face. I carefully stuck the hairs behind her ear trying not to wake her up. I stared at her face as if memorizing every inch of her, her moles, long eyelashes, pointy nose, and those thin glossy lips. I put my head on the steering wheel still staring at her. 'How can a person be this beautiful?' I asked myself and fell asleep.

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