Chapter 53

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"Wake up Mina..." I heard Chaeng calling me. I yawned and opened my eyes. I rubbed it and sat down. I saw her with our luggage; she's taking out some clothes.

"We'll go to the beach?" I asked as I see the swimsuits that we brought. She nods with a smile but looking at the clothes. I get up and lazily went to her. I sat beside her and crossed my legs. I rest my chin on my palm looking at the clothes.

"We'll go to the beach so better get ready now because we'll tire ourselves today." She said enthusiastically. I pout and lay down.

"But I'm still sleepy..." I complained and cover my face. I heard her laughed then felt her dragging me.

"Yah!" I yelled but she ignored it.

"Get up Mina, or I'm the one who'll shower you." She said like a warning. I stomped my feet and sat down glaring at her. She just laughs while I did what she said. After I'm done, I saw her wearing shorts and a short sleeve polo with two unbuttoned buttons. She's also wearing glasses and a hat. Still oozing with sex appeal, this cub really knows how to carry herself.

"Stop staring, I'll melt..." She said that made me blushed. I saw her smirk while scrolling through her phone. I didn't reply and get my clothes. I get back to the bathroom to change and then started to dry my hair. I was drying my hair when Chaeng came in. I'm already dressed so it's fine. I saw her from the mirror, literally looking at me from head to toe. I raise my eyebrow then our eyes meet.

"Damn Mina, you're so hot in that..." She said and then I saw her gulps. I rolled my eyes and turn to her.

"I'm literally just on my tunic..." I said looking at her boring.

"I can see through that you're wearing a black swimsuit..." She replied and bit her lip. I blushed and push her head away from my sight.

"Stop with that and just do your thing." I said and turned to the mirror again. I heard her laugh and then she went in to the cubicle.

After I'm done, we both get out of the hotel and go to the beach. We walked there and it's really uncomfortable to be stared by people. Gladly, Chaeng held my hand and keep me calm. It helps me feel at ease. Feels like I'm safe when I'm with her.

"It's really beautiful in here..." I said as we're walking.

"You're more beautiful..." She said that made my eyes rolled up.

"Keep doing that and I'll punch you." I said but she just laughs. I look around and started to notice people's diversity. It feels really different and amusing to see different nation's in one place. The sun was up and it's really windy and hot in here. It's fine though, I mean, I'm not used to it but it's a different feeling. It's kind of refreshing; I can't wait to be touch by the sea.

My lips instantly curve up as I see the sea; it's very blue while the sand is very white. I turn to Chaeng with my brightest smile and caught her already staring. She also has a big smile and kind of a proud one.

"I knew it that you'll really like it in here. You don't regret coming with me don't you?" She asks and smirks. I also smile and nod my head. I held her hand and pulled her to the seaside. I giggled as the cold water hit my bare feet. I started to play around and splash some water on Chaeng, which she fights back. We look like adults trying to be young, but its fine. I don't care about it, we're having fun.

"Mi-na!, Let-s stop this for a while." Chaeng yelled as I keep on splashing the water to her. I laughed and ignored her, she's wet, and her clothes are soaking. She then stops covering herself and then looks at me deadpanned. I smiled showing my gums but she ignored it and then runs. I run back and now she's chasing me. My eyes went wide as she's faster than I thought. I tried to run faster too but it didn't work and now she caught me by my waist. She turns me around and then we fall.

Tonight (MiChaeng) ✓ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon