♤ 6- The Party ♤

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Marjani checked herself in the mirror one last time

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Marjani checked herself in the mirror one last time. She was satisfied with her look that night and smiled at her reflection.

"Well, this will be a first," she started.

"A first what?" Dove, who'd just finished dressing up too, asked.

"My first time attending a party full of supernatural beings," Marjani mused before fixing her matte lipstick one last time.

"It's going to be a party like every other you've attended, actually. True that some people might use their powers here and there but just think of them as little magic tricks."

"Mm~ nice."

It was 1AM and the party had long begun, two hours earlier. Marjani had slept off after the orientation because of the long and tiring journey they had had from their city to Myrtle Bay. If Dove hadn't woken her up, she would've probably not showered and gotten ready for the party.

"You done?" Dove asked.

"Yeah. Lead the way."

Marjani's POV:

Dove and I got to the residential hall and I couldn't help it but once again admire TUPA's beautiful infrastructure. The residential hall was beautiful and very spacious. We could hear music booming close by. We immediately followed the noise and entered this room that was one of the biggest rooms ever. It wasn't even a room, it was another hall that was big enough to contain the students.

There were blue lights and loud music to which all the students danced happily, with cups and bottles of alcohol in their hands.

"Wooo! Let's partaay!" Dove shouted and before I even had the time to look for Sharik, she's dragged me into the crowd.

Soon enough, I was dancing away to the music with her.

"Y'all having fun?!" the DJ who happened to have ears longer than Baran, asked from his stage.


"Let's turn it up a little more!"

He increased the volume and boosted the base of the music until the floor was vibrating, as well as the walls of the room. The students cheered loudly in excitement and went even crazier. The blue lights got dimmer and I noticed that most of white haired student's locks were glowing in the dimness, making them look even more supernatural that they already were.

"This is so cool!" I announced over the music, noticing that Dove's hair too was a glowing mess.

"I know right! Party mode on!" she laughed and we continued to dance.

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