To Hell With The Wall 2

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June 2009 

My name is Amjad, I'm 19 years old. 

4 years ago my dad had been sent to jail for being involved with the rebellious in an abduction mission. 

They were trying to kidnap an Israeli officer to substitute him with the Palestinian prisoners. 

But unfortunately, they failed, and my dad had been captured and sentenced with 30 years in jail.

Recently, I finished school, and now I'm working to support my mom and younger siblings. 

Lately I found out that my mom is sick, and the only place where I can get the medicine she needs is a pharmacy in the 1948 lands behind the wall. 

So after weeks of planning, I'm finally doing it, me and two other friends of mine set a plan to jump off the wall into the 1948 lands to get the medicine and return without being caught by the soldiers. 

" Come on man, harry up the security cameras will be on only after 3 minutes" 

Said my friend Rami who was our tech genius, he’s the one who turned off the security cameras on the wall, but he could only do it for 5 minutes so the soldiers wouldn't notice. 

" Okay man just calm down beside this wall is so high if I fall I will break my legs for sure" 

Answered my other friend Mohammad, he’s the muscle of the group that is why I brought him with us. 

After the three of us got down safely through the robes, we cut them down and sneaked through the internal streets, a few minutes later we reached the pharmacy and thank Allah they had the medicine we needed. 

On our way Back Rami tried to turn off the security cameras again, but this time the alarm system caught us and soon the soldiers were behind us, we harried to the wall and quickly climbed up through the robs, my two friends made it to the other side safely. I was the last one, when I climbed down the rob, one of the soldiers took a random shot and it hit me on my left shoulder.

My friend realized it and caught me before I hit the ground, he then carried me to the nearest Palestinian hospital as fast as he can.

I was in great pain that I collapsed before we reach the hospital, I tried so hard to stay awake but then I sank in the dark. 

The next day I woke up in a hospital bed, the doctor said my injury wasn't that bad and that I will heal soon, I panicked when I realized that I didn't have my mother's medicine, but soon my friend Rami assured me that Mohammad took the medicine to my mom earlier and told her that I was safe. 

Now since I know that my friend Mohammad isn't a good liar, and I'm also well aware of my mom's investigating skills I guess she will be here any minute, now despite her illness, she will put everything aside and come to make sure her baby is alright and then she will kill me for being stupid. 

But that is alright, after what I've been through I will gladly accept all her yelling and lectures because she is the most important person in my world, and as long as she is healthy and safe I won't ask for anything else. 


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