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Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood:
Urgent |  Palestinian News Agency: 7 Palestinians, including a woman, were seriously injured during the occupation forces’ storming of the city of Jenin and its camp.

Huge concentrations of the occupation army at the checkpoints surrounding the city of Nablus..

Urgent|  Occupation aircraft target the center of Jabalia camp with phosphorus and smoke bombs.

#Urgent | Four injuries, one of them serious, were shot by the occupation army during confrontations and clashes near Al-Faraa camp.

A young man died as a result of wounds he sustained by occupation bullets during the storming of the town of Tammoun in Tubas.

Urgent |  Press sources: The occupation army continues its bombing of the city of Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip.

Urgent |  The occupation forces continue their violent bombardment on the areas of Al-Faluja, the Beit Lahia project, Tal Al-Zaatar, Jabalia camp, and the outskirts of Beit Hanoun.

Urgent|  The occupation army admits the killing of a soldier during battles with the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip.

Urgent|  7 martyrs as a result of the occupation bombing of Munir Younis’ house in the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip.

Urgent|  Three Palestinians from the Daoud family were martyred after the bombing of the Abu Mustafa family home near the Ibad al-Rahman al-Maskar Mosque in Khan Yunis.

Urgent|  Continuous artillery shelling on the neighborhoods of Al-Shuja'iya, Al-Zaytoun, and Al-Daraj in Gaza City.

Urgent|  Local sources: Occupation forces storm the Dheisheh camp in Bethlehem

#Urgent |  Occupation gunboats target the coastal strip of the Deir al-Balah area in the central Gaza Strip.

Doctors Without Borders: Medical materials and fuel at Shuhada Al-Aqsa Hospital in the Gaza Strip have fallen to extremely low levels

“The blockade must be lifted and humanitarian medical supplies and aid must be urgently provided to the entire Gaza Strip.”

Urgent|  3 injuries among the displaced people at Malak School in Bani Suhaila, east of Khan Yunis, as a result of a shell fired by the occupation forces towards the school.

3 martyrs and a number of wounded in an Israeli bombing that targeted a house in the Khan Yunis camp, south of the Gaza Strip, at dawn today.

Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood:
Urgent |  The Ministry of Health in Gaza to Al-Arabi: The occupation did not stop bombing the vicinity of Kamal Adwan Hospital and Jabalia Camp in the northern Gaza Strip.

Urgent |  The Ministry of Health in Gaza to Al-Arabi: About 70 artillery shells were fired by the occupation forces towards Kamal Adwan Hospital last night.

Urgent |  The Ministry of Health in Gaza to Al-Arabi: Jabalia camp, which was targeted by the occupation forces by bombing, includes more than 100 families

Urgent |  The Ministry of Health in Gaza to Al-Arabi: There is no hospital nearby that can accommodate the victims of the bombing of Kamal Adwan Hospital

Israeli helicopters fire towards the eastern areas east of Khan Yunis, and the occupation forces fire smoke bombs towards a school for displaced people near the Bani Suhaila roundabout.

Israeli occupation army spokesman: Allowed to publish: Two Israeli soldiers were killed during ground battles inside Gaza.

Spokesman for the occupation army:
The Gaza Strip is witnessing fierce battles, which we supported with 250 raids in the last 24 hours

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