cesfire ends

48 7 6


Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood:
Al Jazeera: Sirens sounded in the vicinity of Sderot in the Gaza Strip

Sirens sound in the “Gaza envelope” settlements 🔥🚀

Sounds of gunfire as intense flights of military and drone aircraft continue in the northwestern areas of Gaza City.

Spokesman for the occupation army:

  After the alert was reported to have been activated in the Gaza envelope, one launch was detected and intercepted by air defense fighters.

Resistants fire at the occupation forces during the storming of the town of Arraba, south of Jenin.

The occupation forces have continued their continuous raid into the town of Tuqu', east of Bethlehem, for more than 4 hours

🔻 Hearing gunfire and explosions inside Gaza City.

Half an hour remains until the end of the truce, and so far there is no extension decision

Heavy gunfire from soldiers and occupation forces northwest of Gaza.

Israeli warplanes enter the airspace of the Gaza Strip..

Prisoners’ Affairs Authority: The occupation forces release the parents of the perpetrators of the Jerusalem operation and extend the detention of their brothers Muhammad, Ahmed, and Haitham Nimr, and their cousin Mamoun Nimr.

Kibbutz Holit was bombed with rockets from Gaza.

Violent clashes in northern Gaza between resistance fighters and occupation soldiers 🔻

Shelling east of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, by occupation artillery.

Artillery shelling and clashes northwest of Gaza.

The end of the truce...

🔻🔻 Officially, there is no extension of the truce for an eighth day, and Gaza returns to war again after 7 days of media and psychological war in which the resistance was victorious and a number of our prisoners were victorious in gaining their freedom.

The resistance is fully prepared to confront and receive the occupation soldiers in the hell of Gaza, north and south, and in all areas of Gaza, to confirm that the flood continues.

We are the ones who unleashed the flood, we are the ones who decided on the truce, and we are the ones who return to war first

Oh God, grant us clear victory. The occupation is on a date with many 🔻 ⭕

Oh God, be with the resistance, Oh God, be with the people of Gaza


Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood:
Urgent |  Israeli army spokesman: Hamas violated the armistice agreement and fired a missile towards Israeli territory

Urgent |  Israeli reconnaissance planes fly densely and at low altitudes in different areas in the Gaza Strip

The occupation army announces the resumption of fighting...

Urgent|  An Israeli raid targeting the Abu Iskandar area, north of Gaza City

Urgent|  Occupation aircraft launch raids on southern Gaza

Urgent |  An Israeli raid northwest of the Gaza Strip and artillery shelling targeting various areas in Gaza City

Urgent |  Violent clashes and explosions in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in Gaza

Urgent |  Israeli Army Radio: Warplanes are bombing all parts of the Gaza Strip

Urgent |  Clashes in more than one axis in Gaza City and the northern Gaza Strip

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