22 October

72 7 2

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Follow |  Government Media Office: Tens of thousands of displaced people returned to their areas of residence in Gaza City and the northern Gaza Strip after their displacement to the southern regions, and the occupation deliberately targeted them in the places of their displacement, which it claimed were safe areas.

#Follow |  Government Media Office: 4,651 martyrs and 14,245 wounded, including 3,600 martyrs who committed 574 massacres by the occupation, for the 16th day in a row, continuing the Gaza aggression.

#Follow |  Government Media Office: 165,000 housing units were damaged, and 50% of the housing units in the Gaza Strip were damaged due to the bombing, and approximately 20,000 housing units were completely demolished by the occupation or became uninhabitable.

#Follow |  Government Media Office: 72 government headquarters and dozens of public and service facilities were destroyed by the occupation and caused significant damage.

#Follow |  Government Media Office: Water, electricity and sewage networks were subjected to major damage, while the occupation continues to target educational institutions, as 176 schools were subjected to various damages, including 30 schools that were out of service.

#Follow |  Government Media Office: The total number of displaced people reached about 1,400,000 citizens, half of whom are in the 220 shelter centers, and the others are in hosting gatherings of relatives, friends, public facilities, and others.

#Follow |  Government Media Office: 20 trucks of basic needs entered the Gaza Strip through the Rafah land crossing in the south of the Strip, 16 days after the aggression, while before that 500 trucks entered daily.

#Follow |  Government Media Office: The average number of victims of the occupation’s aggression since the beginning of the aggression has reached 50 cases per hour, between injured and martyred.

#Follow |  Government Media Office: Fuel is the backbone of work for all service and economic sectors, and with the sector entering a stifling humanitarian crisis, we make an urgent appeal for the necessity of introducing fuel supplies to the sector to stop the disaster that threatens hospitals, water pumping stations, sewage treatment, and all sectors in light of the continuing power outages.

#Urgent |  Member of the Hamas Political Bureau, Izzat al-Rishq:
(Victory is but patience for an hour)... We say it with all faith, steadfastness and certainty. These barbaric and systematic massacres and war crimes will not harm our people in great Gaza.  With their martyrs, their wounded, their freedom fighters and their youth, with their support and embrace of the resistance, with their legendary steadfastness and refusal to be displaced, they will thwart the occupation’s plot and its aggressive plans against our land, our people, our sanctities, and our national cause.

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Video |  The occupation forces suspected a masked person on Jaffa Street before it turned out that he was Jewish.

#Urgent |  Ministry of Interior in Gaza: 3 martyrs as a result of the Zionist bombing on a house for the “Al-Louh” family in the Al-Mughraqa area in the central Gaza Strip.

#Urgent |  Sirens sound in Netivot.

#Follow|  Government Media Office: More than 1,023 females were martyred and about 500,000 others were forcibly displaced from their homes, which confirms once again that the occupation deliberately targets civilians by killing and displacing them, especially women.

#Follow|  Government Media Office: About 1,900 children died, as the aggression continued for the sixteenth day of the aggression against Gaza.

#Follow|  Government Media Office: We call on feminist, child rights, and international human rights institutions to stand up to the crimes of the occupation and expose its behavior by targeting Palestinian children and women, who are targeted by the occupation and destroy their homes above their heads.

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