hostages exchange

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I apologize for not updating for a couple of days, I'll summarize what happened in this chapter.

On 24/11 and 25/11 Isreal and Hamas agreed on a hostage exchange deal.

On Wednesday, the Israeli Ministry of Justice published a list of the names of 300 Palestinian prisoners, which it said could be released as part of a prisoner exchange deal with the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), a measure whose aim appears to be to allow consideration of any legal obstacles that may arise at the last moments.

The Israeli government's decision at dawn on Wednesday spoke of releasing 150 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for 50 Israeli prisoners in the Gaza Strip.  The decision indicated that in exchange for the release of each additional Israeli, 3 Palestinian prisoners would be released.

The Qatari Foreign Ministry announced this morning the success of the joint mediation efforts with Egypt and the United States between Israel and the Hamas movement, as it resulted in reaching an agreement on a humanitarian truce in the Gaza Strip that will last for 4 days and can be extended, and the timing of its start will be announced within 24 hours.

According to the announcement, the agreement includes the exchange of 50 civilian women and children prisoners in the Gaza Strip in the first phase, in exchange for the release of a number of Palestinian women and children detained in Israeli prisons. The truce will also allow the entry of a larger number of humanitarian convoys and relief aid, including fuel allocated for humanitarian needs.  .

On October 7, Hamas and the resistance factions launched Operation “Al-Aqsa Flood,” during which they captured - from Israeli settlements and military points around Gaza - about 240 Israelis, including high-ranking military personnel, and wish to exchange them for more than 7,000 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons. 

For the 47th day, the Israeli occupation army is waging a devastating war on the Gaza Strip, leaving more than 14,000 martyrs, including 5,840 children and 3,920 women, as well as more than 33,000 injured, most of whom are children and women.
  Hamas: The movement responded to the appreciated Egyptian and Qatari efforts that moved throughout the day to ensure the continuation of the temporary truce agreement after they conveyed the occupation’s commitment to all the conditions stipulated in the agreement.
Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent |  Advisor to the head of the Hamas Political Bureau: There are many violations of the agreement by the “Israeli” side.

#Urgent |  Taher Al-Nono: If the occupation does not commit to delivering aid to northern Gaza, this threatens the entire agreement.

#Urgent |  Taher Al-Nono: The occupation violated the agreement by opening fire in more than one location in Gaza, which led to the death of two

#Urgent |  Taher Al-Nono: We are still monitoring the terms of the agreement and sending a message to the occupation and the United Nations that any excuses are unacceptable.

#Urgent |  Taher Al-Nono: The occupation’s talk about reoccupying Gaza is deception, and Hamas exists and is rooted in the Palestinian people

#Urgent |  Taher Al-Nono: We are open to the role of mediators and are ready to search seriously to reach new deals

#Urgent |  Press statement - Islamic Resistance Movement - Hamas:

We appreciate the clear and bold positions of the Belgian Prime Minister (Alexander De Croo), who affirmed his rejection of the destruction of Gaza and the killing of civilians, and the Spanish Prime Minister (Pedro Sanchez), who condemned the indiscriminate killing practiced by the occupying state against civilians in the Gaza Strip, and indicated the possibility of his country taking a decision.  Individually to recognize a Palestinian state, if the European Union does not take this step.

We call on all countries of the world to side with the justice of the Palestinian cause, and the right of our people to self-determination and establish their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital, and to support these bold stances and escalate them against the occupation, to stop its aggression and the genocidal war it is waging against our Palestinian people, and to hold its leaders accountable for their crimes against children and defenseless civilians.  .

#Urgent|  Father of the freed prisoner Qusay Taqatqa: Our feelings are indescribable regarding the release of the prisoners, and our joy will not be complete until all the prisoners are released from the occupation prisons.

#Urgent|  Hamas: We appreciate the position of the Prime Ministers of Belgium and Spain who reject the destruction of Gaza and the killing of civilians

#Urgent|  Freed prisoner Moataz Abu Aram: Our people in the Gaza Strip are a living, steadfast people who fight for the sake of God and are not afraid.

#Urgent|  Freed prisoner Walaa Tangier:
  Victory will be ours, thanks to God and the steadfastness of our people in Gaza

#Urgent|  Hamas: We call on cities and municipal councils around the world to follow what the Barcelona municipality did as a victory for humanity and a rejection of the occupation’s massacres.

#Hamas: We appreciate the brave stance of the Barcelona municipality, which decided to sever its relationship with the occupying entity

#Urgent |  Hamas |  We call on the international community and the United Nations to condemn this racist, fascist statement that violates international law and the right of our people to their land, and we affirm that our Palestinian people will continue their legitimate struggle against the occupation until its demise, and achieve their national aspirations in a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, despite the noses of the neo-Nazis.
#Urgent |  Enemy media: The prisoners in Gaza have not been subjected to any assault since their detention and were treated humanely

#Urgent |  Enemy media: The prisoners in Gaza did not go through the horror stories that we imagined they were experiencing.

#Urgent |  Reuters: Egypt received positive signals from all parties regarding extending the truce in Gaza for a day or two.

#Urgent |  The sister of the prisoner, Israa Jaabis:
  The Zionist intelligence has been detaining my brother since this afternoon, and the occupation prevents the families of the liberated prisoners in Jerusalem from receiving them. We are even forbidden from offering sweets or receiving people to congratulate us. We live in constant tension and we do not know what will happen with Israa and whether she will come out today or not, and our concern today is how we will receive her.  Israa for her treatment.

#Urgent |  The Al-Qassam Brigades decided to delay the release of the second batch of prisoners until the occupation adhered to the terms of the agreement related to the entry of relief trucks into the northern Gaza Strip, and not to adhere to the agreed-upon standards for releasing prisoners.
Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent |  Palestinian Prisoners' Club: The occupation forces have arrested at least 17 Palestinians since yesterday, exceeding those who have been arrested in the West Bank since October 7, 3160.

#Follow|  A number of cancer patients in Gaza are preparing to leave the Strip for treatment to Egyptian and Turkish hospitals.

#Press follow-up |  Anticipating the arrival of Qatari delegations to Gaza through the Rafah crossing to research and supervise the process of providing aid and meeting the needs of citizens.

#Follow-up | Musa Abu Marzouk: What happened yesterday with the release of prisoners is a victory for the will of the Palestinian people

#Follow |  Freed prisoner Fatima Al-Amarna: They deprived us of light inside the prisons, and our joy is mixed with sadness for our people in Gaza

#Follow|  Freed prisoner Hanan Barghouthi: From October 7 until today, prisoners have been oppressed and deprived of television, telephones, and electricity.

#Follow|  The occupation forces remove flags from the vicinity of the homes of families of prisoners from the town of Silwan who will be liberated today.

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