my thoughts on the situation

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Yedioth newspaper: 4 Gaza mujahideen defeat entire military battalions and take control of a city inhabited by 25,000 Zionists.

"In the Ofakim settlement, which is 20 kilometers away from Gaza, the strangest battles took place in this settlement, the details of which we must write down for history. One of the surviving settlers says, 'We no longer trust the capabilities of the IDF and we cannot think of returning to our homes after we saw with our own eyes the weakness and fear of our army in front of  Hamas fighters.

He added, "We in Ofakim were the last city to be invaded by Hamas, as we were all informed of the attack on the southern settlements, but we were reassured by the army that there was no need to flee and that we had arrived to secure you."

He said that the army deployed dozens of tanks and armored vehicles around the settlement until we actually felt safe due to the large number of armies and countless armored vehicles. But the surprise that was not taken into account was that at exactly 11 noon, that is, 5 hours after the beginning of the Hamas attack, 4 fighters arrived in Ofakim and the confrontations began.  With them, he says, “Our army did not last for a single hour in front of only four people. Our armed forces collapsed with all kinds of advanced weapons. They failed us and fled, leaving us to face our unknown fate.”

Only four Hamas fighters entered and occupied a city with a population of 25,000 people. Fortunately for us, there are only four Hamas fighters who cannot control and capture everyone, so we were able to escape and leave our city for them to roam in all safety and freedom.

I am shocked and disappointed not only by the Hamas attack, but I have lost confidence in the capabilities of our army.

They are declaring today that they want to storm Gaza. They are lying and cannot protect their camps and their citizens. How could an army like this even think about entering Gaza? I have decided to immigrate to Europe with my family. I cannot live in peace in this country anymore.

We've been waiting for a whole day for the humanitarian aid to cross the Rafah border into Gaza but till this hour they are still waiting on the other side and not a single Van has gone in.

I can't believe what kind of toxic and a messed up world we're living in, all those politicians from the united nations for 14 days they have only been condemning Hamas, ignoring completely the genocide done by Isreal and all of their crimes for 75 years and ignoring the 2 million people who are getting massacred, Isreal is bombing hospitals churches schools and mosques yet the world only condemns Hamas for fighting back honestly, I pray this world suffers the worst kind of hell for allowing all that to happen to Palestinians.

They allowed that to happen to the people of Iraq before and the people of Syria are still suffering the same way at the hands of Bashar Al Asad and the people of Yemen suffered too, the people of Lebanon suffered from the corruption of their government, they don't have electricity, running water or a proper currency ever since their economy crushed, yet the people of Lebanon are the ones supporting Palestine the most because they suffered too and they know how Palestinians feel, the only ones fighting military alongside Gaza are the south of Lebanon .
Iraq lost 1 million lives , 1 million Shahid and maybe more for a lie made by The USA Government.

The west does whatever they want to the middle east because they simply can, they steal from us, they want our land and our resources so they dehumanize us , they convince the world through their movies and their channels such as BBC and CNN that we are barbaric savages that deserves to be killed because they are the saviours of the world and because white people have a duty to teach other nations how to live and be sophisticated like them.

They made ISIS and convinced the world that Hamas are just like Isis.
They wouldn't even give us a chance to give our side of the story, the people of the middle east are tired, we are tired of losing thousands of lives every year, we are tired of constantly having to build our countries from scratch after every invasion by America and the west, we are tired of our corrupt rulers who only care about themselves, we are tired of the west, we are tired of white people blaming us for their obsession with our land and recourses.

We had no reason to hate white people but now we have soooooo many that we can't even count them!
We don't blame civilian western for their governments, we don't hate Americans but we would appreciate it if they stopped voting for governmentd that keeps invading us.

The USA failed in Iraq, they failed in Afghanistan, they failed in Syria, they failed in Vietnam, they failed in Korea for Allah's sake they should do the world a favor and keep their army in their country for a change!
don't they get it? their army is made of losers, no matter how much they try they'll keep failing no matter how advanced their weapons are, they always fail in the end so just stop!
Stop destroying countries, stop killing innocent people, just stop!

The biggest terrorists in the world are the USA government and army, the British government and army , the frensh government that keeps stealing from African countries, and they are all the founders and supporters of Isreal .
These are the countries the world needs to punish ,the united nations imposed sanctions on Putin because he attacked Ukraine, so they should impose sanctions on these countries because they destroyed many countries and killed millions of people.

The world will never know peace as long as those Zionist governments exist, the western media convinced the world that we need to follow the example of Europe and become like them or else we will always be third and fourth world countries, well guess what? the root of all evils and 99% of the world's problems happened because of those Zionist governments.

Each country has its own culture, just let them handle their country their own way!

My point is, it's just really sad that for 14 days the whole world has been conspiring against a small city, a population of 2 million people, in which half of them are underage kids.
The whole world have failed to aid them with even a drop of water.
the world is so corrupt that asking for the most basic human rights is out of question.

But that's not new, they preach about human rights but only act on it if you're white, they condemned Putin and aided Ukraine with millions and cursed Russia for doing 5% of what Israel has been doing to us for 75 years!
They stood silent and watched Isreal bomb Gaza and kill civilians for 14 days!

The point is, we should stop relying on them, the people of the middle east had been protesting for days, we have completely lost faith in our governments, and now we all know that we must take action and do things ourselves, in Egypt they attempted to change the government so many times and unfortunately their revolution failed before, but inshallah soon they'll get rid of this corrupt government.

Bashar Al Asad killed thousands of his people only so he could remain as the ruler, they fought back against him for a decade and inshallah soon Allah will grant them their freedom.

Iraq fought The USA and got rid of them, yet The USA still refuses to leave Iraq's oil and still have a military base around the oil that they killed a million lives for.

The USA is participating in this war against Hamas because if Israel loses to Hamas they'll lose their bases in the middle east, and therefore they'll lose the resources they have been fighting for and obsssesing about for decades!

Aren't they pathetic?
The USA has no dignity, they'll send their soldiers and kill your people, years later after they lose they'll make a movie about how hard it was for their soldiers to kill you!
I hate politics, it is truly the art of the devil, I believe all successful politicians will go to hell, if you have successfully completed your political goal, then congrats you're going to hell, you're an inhuman devil.

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