Ahlam Altamimi

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Ahlam A'reef Altamimi was born on the 20th of October 1980, in Al-zarka city in Jordan.
Her family have Palestinian roots and they were originally from a village in Ramallah.

Since her family didn't have Palestinian IDs, and they had Jordanian passports, they moved to Al_nabi Saleh village in Palestine using special passports.

She studied political science and media at Berizet University in Palestine.
Then she worked in journalism, she wrote in Meelad magazine and hosted a TV show called (Hasad Al-osboo') which means the "weekly cover", in Alistqlal channel, where she covered the most important weekly events in Palestine, and the worldwide political matters.

Ahlam joined Hamas during Al_aqsa uprising 2000, and she was the first woman to join them. Her journalism work and her English skills had been her key in her missions.
She was able to get to the Israeli positions in Jerusalem to make interviews, which helped her spy on them.

Ahlam said in one of her interviews that she chose the path of resistance because she believed that it was the only solution to free our land, but she wasn't an Istishhadi, because "being an Istishhadi requires things that I don't have in my personality" as she said.

This young lady participated in the mission which had been executed by the Istishhadi Izz Al-Din Almasri in Sparrow restaurant in the occupied part of Jerusalem, on the 9th of August 2001.

The mission resulted in the death of 15 Israeli settlers, and Ahlam was arrested on the 14th of September in the same year after they broke in her father's home in Al_nabi Saleh village, and to her misery, her mother passed away on the first of September 2001.

Ahlam spent 10 years in the Israeli jails, she was sentenced with 16-lifetime sentence, by the charge of participating in a suicidal mission planned by Hamas.

Like all the other Palestinian prisoners she endured a cruel investigation, and they placed her in the Solitary confinement.
She had a rough time in jail and they sentenced her with an extra 6 months for the charge of hitting an Israeli female officer in jail, but in the end, she was let out after 10 years.

The Israeli occupation let her go to Jordan, due to the prisoner's exchange deal between Hamas and the Israeli occupation.

The deal also included her fiancé who became her husband later, Nizar who was sentenced with a lifetime sentence since he had been arrested in 1993.
Even though her case had been closed and considered over since the prisoners’ exchange deal in 2011, yet the Israeli occupation and Washington are still demanding the Jordanian government to turn her in to the FBI. The Jordanian government rejected Washington demands, in 2017 the Jordanian court of cassation released a final rule that the Jordanian government will not turn Ahlam to the USA.
In 2020 Washington and Donald Trump are still pressuring on the Jordanian government to turn Ahlam Altamimi in, they threatened to force retributions on the Jordanian government unless they turn her in.

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