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Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood:
Intense and intermittent artillery shelling targeting several areas in Gaza City.

Now the occupation forces withdraw from the city of Jenin

The occupation storms the village of Budrus, west of Ramallah, raids homes, detains a number of young men, and conducts a field investigation with them.

Urgent | Intense and intermittent artillery shelling targeting several areas in Gaza City.

Urgent |  Continuous and continuous bombing in the vicinity of Kamal Adwan Hospital, in conjunction with ongoing clashes in the vicinity of the hospital.

Israeli Army: An officer and two soldiers were killed in the ongoing battles in the Gaza Strip

Urgent|  Hebrew sources: In addition to the killing of an officer and two soldiers, the occupation army admits that four other soldiers, including an officer, were seriously injured during battles with the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip.

Urgent|  Dozens of martyrs were killed as a result of the occupation bombing of a residential building for the Al-Yazji family, south of the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in Gaza.

Urgent|  Local sources: Occupation forces storm the town of Beit Kahil, west of Hebron

#Urgent |  Injuries when a house was targeted on Old Gaza Street in Jabalia al-Balad, north of the Gaza Strip

Photos|  The officer and two soldiers who the occupation army admitted were killed in battles with the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip.

A child documents the occupation bombing of his family home and a nearby mosque in the Gaza Strip

#Urgent|  Sirens sound in occupied Beersheba.

The young man, Muhammad Manasra, was killed by occupation bullets in Qalandia camp, north of occupied Jerusalem, this morning

Urgent |  The occupation fires a barrage of smoke and phosphorous bombs in various areas of Jabalia

Urgent |  The occupation forces penetrate the outskirts of the Bani Suhaila area, east of Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip

Ministry of Health: The young man, Muhammad Youssef Hassan Manasra (25 years old), was martyred in Qalandiya, and 4 were injured in the Dheisheh camp in Bethlehem by occupation bullets, one of which was very critical.

Local sources: Occupation aircraft destroy the Islamic Society Mosque in Nuseirat camp

Urgent |  The occupation bombed a school in Ma'an, east of Khan Yunis, where displaced people live.

Can channel:
Netanyahu assured Knesset representatives and American officials that there will be no Palestinian authority in the Gaza Strip at all.

Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood:
Can channel:
Netanyahu assured Knesset representatives and American officials that there will be no Palestinian authority in the Gaza Strip at all.

Sirens sound in the Gaza Strip.

Urgent|  Al-Qassam Brigades: 3 occupation army vehicles were targeted with “Al-Yassin 105” shells east of the city of Khan Yunis.

Local sources: Occupation aircraft target 20th Street in Nuseirat camp

Press coverage: “Settlers storm the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque under the protection of the occupation forces, a short while ago.”

Palestinian Telecommunications: Communication and Internet services have begun to gradually return to work in the central and southern Gaza Strip after they were disconnected yesterday from the Israeli side.

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