uprising 3

36 9 4

Uprising part 4


An interview with AL sheik Ahmed Yassen. 

* He was born in Asqalan_ Gaza in Al_jora village in 1938.

* He had his high school education in Gaza, then he studied for only one semester in Ein_shams college, but due to the 1976 war the borders were closed and he could not reach his college. 

* He's married and has 11 children, lives in a one-floor house. 

* He became paralyzed in 1952 because his Backbones were broken due to a sports injury he endured when he was 15. 

* He became a teacher from 1958 until 1984 when he had to retire because of his health conditions. 

* He confounded the Islamic council in 1979 for building mosques, and community services and activities reasons. 

He worked there as a public trustee until 1984. 

* In 1984 he was arrested for the charge of  

(working on removing Israel and starting the Islamic country and rule instead) as they put it. 

And he was sentenced to 13 years for it. 

* He spent 10 months or so in jail and was let out in a prisoners’ exchange deal in 1985. 

In an interview in 1987 he was asked: 

1_What were the reasons for the uprising? 

" The ways of Israel that made people live in misery" 

2_who are the individuals behind the uprising? 

"The people of the Occupied lands were behind it "

3_do you think that the uprising came spontaneously as they say? 

" I think it came by Allah's will, 

There is nothing called spontaneous in Islam" 

4_ there are sayings that the Islamic people were the ones behind the uprising and other people say it was the other categories, what do you think of this? 

"According to me and what I come across during my everyday experiences that the effective and the main category were the Islamic side alongside the other categories who participated in one way or another"

5_ how did you know that? 

  " There is evidence of that, such as the Israeli government statements, the Islamic chants in the Demonstrations, the mosques contribution since the demonstrations started from it, the identity of the victims and the wounded, since the majority of them had an Islamic loyalty"

6_How long do you think the uprising shall go on? 

" it shall go on until the reasons why it started ends"

7_who can stop the uprising?

Israel can stop it if it ends the occupation and gave the Palestinians their full rights of independents and freedom on their rightful lands and country"

8_How come the uprising came 20 years later?

" In my opinion for 2 reasons.

The increase of the Islamic spirit by the strength of Aqida in the Islamic society, and the increasing of the Israeli injustice and oppression against the Palestinians"

9_ what do you see on the horizon?

" I don't see an end to the horizon"

10 _until when?

"Until Allah desire to..."

This chapter is Al-sheik Ahmed Yassen's friend pov:


I and my fellow brothers walked into the mosque for Alfajer's prayer. 

We found Al-sheikh Ahmed Yassen still setting in his wheelchair in the same spot, as in the night before at Al-isha prayer, it seems like he didn’t go home and had stayed here praying all night. 

After Alfajer prayer ended, we sat around Al-sheikh and talked for a bit before going home, then a young man came running and when he saw us he said:

"Two Israeli military airplanes are flying around us and it seems like they are about to attack!!" 

We all panicked! after all this wasn't the first time the cowards try to assassinate him, in 2003 they targeted the apartment he was staying in with his friend Ismael Hania and shot it with helicopter rockets, but he survived Alhamdulillah, he only had a shoulder injury but it was no major damage, however, we can't take a risk again. 

We all advised Al-sheikh Ahmed to stay in the mosque and wait until they go away, but he refused and said " We only have one life, and we have one God, I insist on going out"

He made sure we all get out of the mosque first because he knew that they wanted him and he did not want anyone to get hurt. 

At last, only he and his two sons and a few of his loyal students who never leave his side were the last ones to leave the mosque.

two of his students went out first to clear the way and to make sure it was safe, then the rest got out with him. 

3 ROCKETS!!!!! 

The Israeli helicopter shot him with 3 rockets, they all targeted his head. 

Which shows just how cowardly and pathetic they are. 

3 rockets to kill one person!!! 

The first one to kill him, the second aiming at his head to make sure (the brain) that has frightened them all these years will stop hunting them forever, the third because they were scared that his ghost would come back and hunt them. 

At last Al-sheikh Ahmed Yassen got his honorable shahada as he always wished. 

Israel has all the right to be scared, how can you not be scared when your enemy loves dying as long as it is in the favor of his beloved Palestine!

May Allah blesses his soul; his memory will forever be in our hearts. 

 Al-sheikh Ahmed Yassen once said: if you wasted your life collecting weapons, when will you fight? 

And one of his last quotes was:

My only hope is for Allah to be pleased with me. 

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