Mais Abo Ghosh

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In August 2019 the Israeli soldiers broke in Mais Abo Ghosh home and brutally searched her house, they turned it upside down, then they handcuffed her, covered her eyes and forced her out cruelly... 

They took her to an Israeli military camp near Qalandia Checkpoint. 

Mais pov:

In our way to the Israeli military camp the soldiers intentionally cut my hands and injured me during the arrest, while I was in the military camp the soldiers targeted me, they dragged me while I was handcuffed and blindfolded, they also kept cursing me and yelling at me with all the dirtiest words they know. 

Then I was moved to Almasqobia police department in Jerusalem for investigation, when I first arrived they made me take off my clothes and searched me, then they took me to a cell for investigation. 

The investigation rounds lasted for long hours, I spent them damped in a small metal chair, in a very cold cell. 

After 6 days they started the torture investigation which they call (the Ghost). 

The ghost is their style in torturing the Palestinian prisoners, in which they handcuff them and chain them to a pipe to keep them standing, in this classic ghost the prisoner can only move his legs and shift from one leg to another, another type of ghosts which was used on me is called (the banana ghost), in this type they make the prisoner lay on his back on a small metal table and handcuff his hands to his legs under the table which makes his position look similar to the banana. 

Other than this torture they kept slapping and hitting me brutally, and they had forbidden me from sleeping, this went on for three days.

One time I tried to run from the Israeli female soldiers to the corner of the cell, but the soldier caught me and smashed my head against the wall, then she kicked me down and cursed me with the worst names she could think of, the detectives also brought my brother and my family to blackmail me into admitting that I was guilty with the charges I was accused of.

The cell they kept me in wasn't in a good condition for a little rat to stay in, it was very rough and lacked the least human needs in it, the walls were made of jagged Cement which made it hard to lean on, and it had a very thin mattress on the floor without a cover or pillow, and blinding lights were on 24 hours a day!!, they gave me bad and disgusting meals, and a wastewater was overflowed in my cell and on the mattress!

The soldiers once intentionally brought a big rat to my cell to hurt me, and they kept stalling whenever I ask for my most basic rights like going to the bathroom or sleeping, and they kept making fun of me and blackmailing me.

Mais Abo Ggosh is a student in Birzeit college, she is the sister of the martyr Hussain Abo Ghosh, and her other brother Solleman   Abo Ghosh (17 years old) had been arrested too.

Mais is a young lady, and she’s facing the brutality of the occupation every day like many other young Palestinian girls.

On Monday, November 30th, the Israeli occupation forces released Mais Abu Ghosh, after 15 months of her imprisonment.

the diaries of palestine. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz