The Fallen Angel

706 210 70

Ramadan 2018

“COME ON, WE NEED MORE WOUND STERILIZERS IMMEDIATELY! THERE ARE MANY WOUNDED PEOPLE HERE!” I shouted as I ran between the ambulance vans. I was to help as many people as I can, you see I'm a paramedic, and Gaza especially is exactly where the paramedics are needed.

“Please, help my brother! He got shot in the leg!” someone shouts as he carries his wounded brother into the ambulance van, and I, without thinking, ran to help him.

We kept going like this for hours, and once we were done with the patients in this area, we moved to go help the others.

As soon as we got there I heard people screaming and running, the Israeli soldiers were there and they were shooting people!

So I ran as fast as I could. I ran to help those in need of my medical care with my medical equipment in my hand.

Suddenly everything stopped. I was running, but then I could no longer move my legs, they failed me and I fell to the ground.

My friend saw me failing and ran to my side, I was shot in the back. The cowards shot a paramedic from far behind.

Those pathetic dogs. They are such a coward.

They hide from the protesters in high buildings and such and shoot them from a far range. 

A million Protesters who only have their faith in Allah, rocks and burning tires as weapons, yet the Israeli soldiers fight with a terrified look in their eyes. 

That is why when they shoot their bullets never miss.

They fear that if they miss, the one they aimed at will find them and make them pay.

But I'm glad. I am glad, I have always been devoted to my job, I always knew it wasn't an easy one, my mom begged me to be a regular nurse in a safe hospital far from the danger zone, but I chose to be out here so I could save as many as I can.

Alhamdulillah for this honorable way of the shahada.

Note: this chapter was about Razan Al-major, she got shot by an Israeli soldier while she was aiding the protesters in Gaza.

May her soul rest in peace.

the diaries of palestine. Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant