#save_sheik_aljarah 4

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Euronews - Gideon Levy, economic and political analyst
May 12, 2021

Israel is living in chaos, as we have been living in economic chaos since the beginning of Corona ... and now we are in the midst of chaos, and we do not know what will happen to us. Our storming of their mosque was a big mistake that was not taken into account.  Iron Dome is not the solution. Everyone knows that the accuracy of the Iron Dome is from 20 to 30 percent only, and not as Netanyahu claims to reassure the people. A missile worth $ 50,000 is launched to hit a missile worth $ 300 and is mistaken most of the time. Today, the Knesset announces a bill worth $ 912 million for war expenses and losses.  With a fierce terrorist enemy in a small area called Gaza, 912 million dollars in transportation expenses, oil, missiles, military preparations, and civilian losses in the state's infrastructure, etc. .. This is really very much within a time distance of only two days, so our budget will never allow that, and we will not be patient for a long time.  ... the solution is not in the fighting .. we understood the lesson .. these savages are not collapsed Arab armies that do not find power today ... nor are they with money that we may be able to ideologize them like sheep ... The problem is in their belief and their complete belief that the land is theirs and not ours.  .. Command  Wicca will not benefit us in the end, and the Arab leaders will not support us due to their helplessness in their homelands and the people’s hatred for them.
Personally, I think that the end is very close to us as a state ... especially that the peoples of the region began to wake up from their slumber and our dream of making friendship between our peoples.

Personally, I fear that the tables will soon turn in Egypt and Jordan, which means that we have become without protection from the peoples of the barbarian region ... Our destination must be to Europe and they must receive us as refugees. I think that this is better than being eaten alive by the Arabs. I am not trying to scare you, but I am trying to put  The points are on the letters only. This is a fact that the US government in Tel Aviv does not want you to see.

How much we will be able to withstand in these circumstances ... Hell is above our heads while we are in shelters, our business, our lives, and everything is completely disrupted, and the government is unable to do anything, so be patient together, but I fear that the time has passed and we are in inescapable patience.

Israel" is now cut off from the world .. Only Haifa port is now working by sea.

- Designated Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid: We have lost control, and Netanyahu is leading us into chaos.

- A reservist colonel in the Israeli army and a former director of the Israeli Space Agency, he enters a clinical death case after the attack
Of young Palestinians in Acre

Rockets are now launched from Gaza towards the occupied city of Ashkelon, in response to the targeting of civilians in Gaza.

- Warning sirens ringing in Ashkelon

Netanyahu, from Lod: What is happening in Lod is a very great threat


Aggression on Palestine.

The International Assembly of Palestinian Independents calls on all Palestinian, Arab,  Islamic communities and the free people of all nations in all capitals of the world to march and raise the pace of struggle to end the occupation’s aggression and barbaric crimes against the Palestinian people in Al-Quds Al-Sharif, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

There will be no security or stability in the Middle East without realizing the aspirations of the Palestinian people and the establishment of the State of Palestine with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

The International Assembly of Palestinian Independents.

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