8th of October 2023

98 17 26

Assalamualaikum here's the update on the situation so far.

Israel: If we do not succeed in this war, the whole world will pay the price!

Can you believe that only 1000 fighters from Gaza made Israel say that!
A military group that has been supported financially and militarily by The USA, Britian, Most European Countries and many others.

Half of the world vs Gaza city, and so far they managed to kill almost a 1000 isreali and wounded over 25000 and took a lot of them as hostages.

This is beyond genius tactics, this is a miracle by Allah.
Some of the fighters say that while they were fighting they felt like when they shot a bullet they heard the sound of so many bullets being shot, when they fought they heard the sound of an explosion even though they didn't throw any bombs!
The swore it was like the angles were fighting with them.
When you fight for Islam and it's true Jihad Allah will grant you his strength, America and the entire world can't stand against you when Allah is with you, just like how Allah Sank Pharaoh he will destroy them all.

Urgent |  Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement, Ziad al-Nakhalah: The enemy prisoners of war of soldiers and settlers that we arrest in Gaza are in the dozens and more. In fact, I can say that they far exceed this number, and Islamic Jihad has more than 30 enemy prisoners so far.

Urgent: The occupation army on the Lebanese border with Palestine injures their colleagues in the occupation army, thinking they are members of the resistance.

Al-Manar TV correspondent: “An Israeli force suspected a settler who was driving a pickup truck at the gate of the “Shtola” settlement opposite the town of Aita al-Shaab. When he did not stop, they started shooting at him. He attacked them, thinking they were members of Hezbollah, then ran over five soldiers from the force.

Today so many things like that happened, the Isreali are panicking and killing each other and it happened over 15 times in a row today!

It is a miracle by Allah, so pray for Al aqsa and pray for our brothers and sisters in Palestine.

Hamas: Moving the American aircraft carrier does not scare us, and the American administration must realize the consequences of this step.
Hamas are not scared, they are ready and are going all out, they know they are about to take on the world and it doesn't even matter at this point.

Just as a reminder for the translation... “The options presented to the Zionist soldier when he enters the Gaza Strip are four options: either he will be killed, or he will be captured, or he will suffer a permanent disability, or he will return to a psychological illness forever, and he will not return victorious in any way.”  Conditions"

  - Military spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades, “Abu Ubaida”

Hebrew media: “There is chaos in the Gaza Strip, with injuries and accidental killings increasing, as the settlers refuse to stop for their army, thinking that they are Hamas members disguised in Israeli army uniforms, and the army responds with fire when the settlers refuse orders because it believes that the settlers are Palestinians.”

In 2018 and until last month, the occupation soldiers were entertaining our people during the March of Return on the Gaza border, shooting bullets as if they were hunting birds, and today, thank God, those who hunt them came one after another.

Netanyahu's media announced a short while ago that he had dropped 100 tons of explosives on the heads of unarmed civilians in the Shujaiya neighborhood in tonight's strikes, and their bombing did not differentiate between a child, an old man, and a woman!!!

Look closely at this scene and look at the leaders of Gaza, how they deal with women, children, and the elderly, according to the commandments of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him.

The people of Gaza gave the most precious thing a person has to offer (their blood, their souls, and their body parts). Will the nation of the Messengers offer anything more than its need for those who defend the mission of the faithful Messenger?!!!

Yesterday, Biden provided urgent aid to the killers of the prophets amounting to $4 billion, so where is the nation of Muhammad from the cruelties of Gaza?!!!

An obligation imposed on every Muslim man and woman to extend a helping hand to Gaza, an obligation that they cannot abandon, such as prayer and fasting.

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